Episode 2

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

Starbase Port Royale, is preparing for a celebration. Ambassador Vieers and Lieutenant Sinek are getting married. While they prepare for the wedding of a life time, Domingo gets the intelligence he was looking for with the True Way Alliance.

Mission Group Season 1 (Archive)
Start Date 04/15/2019 @ 8:24pm
End Date 07/26/2019 @ 8:24pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Grand opening Part II
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Newman & Omek & Commander Avril Taylor & John Eagle & Nicole Eagle
MD019, 1100 hours Colony Rose, Eagle Ranch
Grand opening, Part 1
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Lieutenant Commander Alexander Newman & Omek & Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez) & Commander Avril Taylor & John Eagle & Nicole Eagle
MD019, 1000 hours Colony Rose, Eagle Ranch
New Security Chief
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez
MD019 1530 hrs Security Office
Slight Agitation
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez)
MD019 1430 hrs CO Ready Room
Patience runs thin
by Donas Gumar & Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez
MD019 1400 hrs CO Ready Room
Ours or my future home?
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez)
MD019 1100 hrs Planet: Rosa
Chasing a rumor
by Rear Admiral Hadir Prenar & Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Lieutenant JG Elani
MD011 1000 hrs Conference Room 23, Deck 58
Maybe Tomorrow
by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Newman & Commander Avril Taylor
MD008 1830 hrs Promenade
One step towards colonization
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & John Eagle & Nicole Eagle
MD008 1800 hrs Eagles Antique Shop
What do you think?
by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Newman & Commander Avril Taylor
MD008 1800 hrs Newman's Quarters
The Morning After The Night Before
MD007 0921 Hrs Lieutenant Commander Mitchell's Quarters, Deck 20, Main Station
First step to colonization
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & John Eagle
MD007 0800 hours Admiral's Office
Did I make a mistake?
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez)
MD007 0500 hrs Martinez Residence
To much for one night
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez)
MD006 2100 hrs Lounge on PR
Gay Parie (working title)
by Ensign Mathias Darnell
MD006 2045 Hrs Holodeck
A Revolting Situation
by Lieutenant JG Elani & Ensign Mathias Darnell
MD006 1300 Mari
The pleasure of buisness
by John Eagle & Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez) & Nicole Eagle
MD005, 1300 hours Eagles Antique Shop
One against ten! Is it really possible?
by John Eagle & Rear Admiral Hadir Prenar
MD005, 1100 hours Omek Holosuit 1
Peace is good for buisness?
by John Eagle & Omek
MD005, 1000 hours Promenade, Port Royal
The greatest love
by Nicole Eagle & John Eagle
MD005 2000 hrs Eagle's Quarters
What's in your ready room?
by Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez) & Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez
MD004 2000 hrs Lounge
Covert Meetings
by Lieutenant JG Elani & Rear Admiral Hadir Prenar
MD003 1600 hrs Promenade
Gift of Thanks
by John Eagle & Lieutenant JG Elani & Nicole Eagle
MD003 14:00 Eagles’ Antique Shop
Any Updates
by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez & Rear Admiral Sarah Martinez (Sanchez)
MD003 1100 hrs Sarah's Office
After Mission
by Lieutenant Commander Alexander Newman & Omek & Commander Avril Taylor & Lieutenant JG Elani
MD002 2030 hrs Omek’s Spirits Emporium

Mission Summary

Starbase Port Royale, is preparing for a celebration. Ambassador Vieers and Lieutenant Sinek are getting married. While they prepare for the wedding of a life time, Domingo gets the intelligence he was looking for with the True Way Alliance.

After the failed attempt on Cardassia Prime, the True Way Alliance, are seeking answers. They want to find Legate Prenar, they blame him for the failure of their campaign, in their eyes, he sabotaged their mission. Ambassador Gumar, demands to meet with Hadir Prenar, to learn about his fathers whereabouts. Both sides are interested in hunting down the same man.