View Award - Crew Choice Award

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Crew Choice Award

Awarded at the end of mission, the crew is allowed to nominate any member of the crew that helped participate in the previous mission. The recipient must have shown during the previous mission, character growth and development in the mission. Either in main story plot or in a sub plot. There can be 3 recipients per mission.

Category: In character
Awarded: 2 times

01/03/2020 @ 8:10am
Sinek has involved other players as well as showed that their are different levels to him. My favorite post of his was when he was insecure about Amelia and took her to dinner.
Lieutenant JG Elani
09/10/2019 @ 6:02am
Robert has been a great player to play alongside birth in his pc and NPC roles. He's always open to suggestion and is happy to contribute his own ideas as well when asked for help or opinions. His characters are a joy to play alongside.