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10/10/2023 @ 5:53am

Cadet Sophomore Grade Leah Vieers

Name Leah Vieers

Rank Cadet Sophomore Grade

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Drax
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Leah is an attractive young woman, she's almost as tall as her mother. She has long dark hair which she likes to wear down whenever possible.


Spouse Dating Peyton Patterson
Children None
Father Jonathon (Deceased)
Mother Amelia Vieers
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Leah is a bright, happy go lucky young woman. Like all Drax she's telepathic and empathic although her abilities are only just starting to develop.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths - telepathic
- empathic
- kind hearted
- strong willed

Weaknesses - Her empathy and telepathy can be hard to control
Ambitions Leah hasn't quite decided what she wants to do with her life as yet, she's been raised free of the restrictions her mother had living on Drax. For now she just wants to learn to use her empathic and telepathic gifts the way her mother does.
Hobbies & Interests Leah has taken an interest in all things Starfleet, she loves starships and learning about the various departments that make Starfleet tick.

Personal History Leah is the daughter of Drax Ambassador Amelia Vieers. She's has been used to being raised aboard various ships, starbases and planets as her mother has toured during her time as an Ambassador.

Having met Peyton Patterson aboard Port Royale, the two fell head over heels in love. With Peyton and Leah each becoming each other’s ‘first’ where their virginity was concerned they’ve taken an important, and very large step in their relationship. They also attend Starfleet Academy together.
Service Record 2396-2400 Starfleet Academy (Command track)
2400 - Assigned to Valhalla Station