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10/09/2021 @ 11:46pm

Lieutenant Preston King

Name Preston Matthew King

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5’9
Weight 160
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Gold


Father Edward
Mother Julia
Brother(s) Caleb, Timmy
Sister(s) Alexis

Personality & Traits

Personal History ------------------------------------
General Information

Preston William King is a 24-year-old Helmsman who possesses a diverse range of interests and qualities. He is an avid reader, finding solace in the pages of books, and enjoys spending his free time binge-watching boxed TV shows. Preston also has a passion for flying fighters, which allows him to experience a thrilling sense of freedom.

In terms of personality, Preston is known for his friendly and entertaining nature, making him a popular presence among his peers. However, it is important to note that he has a tendency to be untrustworthy and occasionally displays signs of cowardice. These traits can sometimes create challenges in his relationships with others.

Preston is proud of his English heritage and identifies himself as straight. He successfully completed his studies at Starfleet Academy, specializing in flight operations. Throughout his time at the academy, he focused on honing his skills as a helmsman, showcasing his dedication and commitment to his chosen field.

Despite his numerous strengths, Preston harbors a severe phobia of chickens, which can be quite debilitating for him. This particular fear has the potential to hinder his ability to perform certain tasks or be in certain environments, making it a significant aspect of his character.

Having grown up in an upper-class neighborhood, Preston was raised solely by his father, as his mother departed when he was young. This upbringing has shaped his perspective on life and contributed to his drive to succeed.

During his final days at the Academy, Preston embarked on a relationship with Jenna Kyla Berry. Jenna, who is 18 years old and a freshman at the Academy, shared an instant attraction with Preston when they worked together during his senior year as her mentor. Though Preston recognized the ethical complications, their undeniable connection led them to pursue a romantic involvement.

Preston's closest friend is Glen Bowen, a trainee pilot with whom he shares a strong bond. While they generally get along well, like any friendship, they occasionally encounter challenges. Additionally, Preston enjoys the company of Christie Morgan and Karan Fletcher, with whom he frequently shares meals and enjoys dining out together.

However, Preston's idyllic senior year took a turn when he realized he would be stationed at Beta Fleet Yards and then Valhalla Fleet Yards. Jenna assured him that their relationship would withstand the distance, but by the end of his first year out of the academy, they had already broken up. The separation proved to be too much for both of them, leading to a mutual decision to end their relationship.

In summary, Preston William King is a complex character with a diverse range of interests and qualities. While he possesses friendly and entertaining traits, he can also be untrustworthy and cowardly at times. Despite his challenges, Preston's dedication to his career as a helmsman and his ability to form meaningful connections with others make him an intriguing and multi-dimensional character.

Physical Description

Preston's commitment to his physical well-being is evident in his rigorous gym routine. He spends several hours each week honing his physique, pushing his limits, and building strength. He takes great pride in his appearance, understanding that being a fighter pilot or helmsman requires not only mental agility but also physical endurance.

Preston believes that maintaining an ideal weight is crucial for his role in the starship. He knows that excess weight could hinder his agility and responsiveness in the cockpit. Therefore, he diligently monitors his diet, ensuring it supports his fitness goals and provides the necessary fuel for his demanding profession.

While striving to be at the ideal weight, Preston also recognizes the importance of overall health and well-being. He prioritizes regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and proper rest to ensure he is in peak physical condition for the challenges he faces as a starship helmsman.

Preston's commitment to his physical fitness not only reflects his dedication to his profession but also demonstrates his determination to be the best version of himself. His disciplined approach to his physicality is an integral part of his identity as a fighter pilot or helmsman and serves as a testament to his unwavering drive and ambition.

Strengths and weaknesses

Preston possesses several strengths that contribute to his success as a fighter pilot or helmsman. One of his notable strengths is his exceptional hand-eye coordination. This innate ability allows him to react swiftly and accurately to changing situations, making split-second decisions with precision and accuracy.

Another strength of Preston is his resilience and mental toughness. He possesses a strong mindset that enables him to handle high-pressure situations and overcome challenges effectively. He remains calm and composed even in the face of adversity, making him an asset during intense missions or critical moments.

Preston's commitment to physical fitness and maintaining an ideal weight also contributes to his strengths. His dedication to his appearance and overall health ensures that he is in peak physical condition, allowing him to endure long missions and withstand the physical demands of operating complex starships.

As for weaknesses, Preston may sometimes struggle with patience. His drive and ambition can occasionally lead him to be overly eager or impulsive, which may result in hasty decisions. However, Preston is aware of this tendency and actively works on managing his impatience to ensure he makes sound judgments based on careful consideration.

Additionally, Preston's perfectionism can sometimes be a weakness. While his attention to detail is an asset, it can also cause him to become overly critical of himself or others. He strives for excellence at all times, which can create additional pressure and stress. It is important for Preston to find a balance between striving for perfection and maintaining a healthy perspective.

Overall, Preston's strengths, such as his hand-eye coordination, mental toughness, and commitment to physical fitness, greatly contribute to his abilities as a fighter pilot or helmsman. By addressing his weaknesses and finding ways to manage them effectively, Preston continues to grow and evolve in his role.

Hobbies and interests

Preston has a dynamic personality, Preston likely has a diverse range of hobbies and interests.

1. Aviation Enthusiast: Given Preston's profession as a fighter pilot or helmsman. He has a deep passion for aviation. He spends his free time studying different fighter designs, reading fighter-related literature, or even building model fighters. He enjoys participating in flight simulation experiences.

2. Physical Fitness: Preston's commitment to physical fitness extends beyond the requirements of his profession. He may engage in various activities to maintain his physical well-being, such as weightlifting, cardio exercises, or participating in team sports like basketball or soccer. Staying fit not only helps him in his job but also promotes a healthy lifestyle.

3. Outdoor Adventures: Preston may have a love for the outdoors and seek opportunities to explore nature during his downtime. He might enjoy activities such as hiking, camping, or rock climbing. Being in nature allows him to unwind, recharge, and appreciate the beauty of the world outside his cockpit.

4. Photography: Preston may have an artistic side, and photography could be one of his creative outlets. Capturing moments and scenes through the lens of a camera allows him to document his experiences and share his unique perspective with others.

5. Music: Music can be a universal passion, and Preston may find solace in playing a musical instrument, such as the guitar or piano. Music provides a creative escape and allows him to express himself emotionally.

6. Reading and Learning: With a curious mind and a thirst for knowledge, Preston may have a keen interest in reading and learning about various subjects. Whether it's science fiction, historical accounts, or self-improvement books, he values expanding his intellectual horizons.

It's important to note that these are just potential hobbies and interests for Preston. As a multi-dimensional individual, he may have other unique passions that reflect his personality and experiences.


Preston, being a fighter pilot or helmsman, would likely possess ambitious goals and aspirations. Here are a few possibilities for his ambitions:

1. Advancement in the Military: Preston may have a strong desire to climb the ranks within the military. He might strive to achieve higher officer positions, such as becoming a squadron leader or commanding officer. Excelling in his career and being recognized for his skills and leadership could be important goals for him.

2. Excellence in Performance: As a professional in a high-stakes field, Preston would likely have a deep ambition to excel in his role. He may constantly strive to improve his skills, aiming to become one of the best fighter pilots or helmsmen in his unit or even in his country. Achieving exceptional performance and being recognized for his expertise could be significant ambitions for him.

3. Contribution to National Security: Preston's ambition might revolve around making a significant contribution to national security. He may aspire to be part of critical missions or operations that safeguard his country and its interests. Protecting his fellow citizens and ensuring their safety could be a driving force behind his ambitions.

4. Leadership and Mentorship: Preston may have a desire to not only excel individually but also to lead and mentor others in his field. He may aspire to become a respected mentor, helping other aspiring fighter pilots or helmsmen develop their skills and reach their potential. Guiding and inspiring the next generation could be a meaningful ambition for him.

5. Innovation and Technological Advancement: Given the constantly evolving nature of military technology, Preston may have ambitions related to innovation and technological advancement. He might aspire to be involved in research and development projects, contributing to the development of cutting-edge aircraft or naval systems. Pushing the boundaries of technology and enhancing military capabilities could be ambitions that drive him.

These ambitions reflect Preston's dedication, commitment, and desire to make a meaningful impact in his profession and for his country.


Based on the information provided, Preston's family life could be characterized by a strong bond and a supportive environment.

Julia King

Preston's mother, Julia, is a caring and nurturing figure in the family. She may have been the one who instilled values of love, compassion, and responsibility in Preston and his siblings. Julia may have played an active role in their upbringing, ensuring that they had a stable and loving home.

Edward King

Edward is a strong and protective presence in Preston's life. As a father, Edward might have instilled discipline, taught important life lessons, and encouraged his children to be independent and resilient. Edward's support and guidance may have influenced Preston's career choice as a fighter pilot or helmsman.

Caleb King

Preston's brother Caleb is a major a role model for him growing up. Caleb the eldest older, paved the way for Preston, inspiring him to follow a similar path. Caleb talked about how great starkly was. The two brothers shared a close bond, supporting and pushing each other to achieve their goals.

Tommy King

Tommy, Preston's younger brother, provided a sense of camaraderie and companionship. They might have shared common interests and hobbies, and Tommy has been a trusted confidant for Preston. Their relationship involved friendly competition and mutual encouragement to excel in their respective endeavors.

Alexis King

Preston's youngest sister, and the baby of the family. Alexis, being in high school, had a sense of youthful energy and liveliness to the family. Preston had taken on a protective role towards her, looking out for her well-being and providing guidance when needed. He been a source of inspiration for her as she navigates her own path in life. He tried to be there like Caleb was there for him.

Overall, Preston's family life was be characterized by love, support, and a strong sense of unity. They would likely be a close-knit family, celebrating each other's accomplishments and offering comfort during challenging times. Their bond would serve as a source of strength and motivation for Preston as he pursues his ambitions.


Early Childhood

During Preston's early childhood, he would have grown up in a loving and nurturing environment. His mother, Julia, being a caring figure, would have provided him with a warm and supportive atmosphere at home. She might have emphasized the importance of education, encouraged his curiosity, and fostered a sense of creativity.

Preston's father, Edward, could have played an active role in his early upbringing as well. Edward might have engaged in activities that promoted physical fitness, discipline, and teamwork. He could have encouraged Preston to explore the outdoors, fostering a sense of adventure and resilience.

With two older brothers, Caleb and Tommy, it is likely that Preston's early childhood would have been filled with sibling interactions. They might have engaged in playful activities, games, and shared experiences. Preston could have looked up to his older brothers, learning from them and joining them in their adventures.

As the youngest sister still in high school, Alexis would have brought a youthful and energetic dynamic to the family. Preston might have developed a protective and caring nature towards her, creating a bond of support and companionship.

Overall, Preston's early childhood would have been characterized by a loving and supportive family environment. He would have had the opportunity to learn from his siblings and parents, gaining valuable life lessons and experiences. This nurturing foundation might have played a significant role in shaping Preston's character, values, and aspirations as he grew older.

High School Years

During his high school years, Preston's unique childhood history could have influenced his experiences and relationships. Here's a possible description:

Preston's high school years might have been filled with a mix of academic pursuits, extracurricular activities, and social interactions. Due to his nurturing family background, he may have carried a strong work ethic and a focus on personal growth.

In terms of relationships, Preston might have found himself dating a girl who was initially attracted to his caring and supportive nature. However, as the relationship progressed, he may have started to feel overwhelmed and suffocated by the girl's overbearing behavior. This could have led to a sense of toxicity in the relationship, where Preston felt like his independence and personal space were being compromised.

Despite the challenges in his romantic relationship, Preston might have been fortunate to have a close male best friend. This friend could have provided a supportive and understanding presence during this time. They might have shared common interests, engaged in hobbies together, and supported each other through the various ups and downs of high school life.

As the end of their high school years approached, Preston and the girl might have realized that their relationship was no longer healthy for either of them. They might have mutually decided to break up, acknowledging that it was necessary for their personal growth and well-being.

Throughout his high school years, Preston's unique childhood history, with its emphasis on love, support, and personal growth, could have influenced his approach to relationships. It might have helped him recognize the importance of maintaining healthy boundaries, fostering independence, and seeking mutually beneficial connections. These experiences could have shaped his perspective on relationships as he moved forward into his young adult life.

Academy Years

During his Academy days, Preston's experiences could have been shaped by his desire to explore different relationships while also grappling with the fear of repeating past toxic dynamics. Here's a possible depiction:

After the difficult breakup in high school, Preston might have entered the Academy with a newfound determination to embrace his independence and explore different romantic connections. He might have gone on several dates with different girls, seeking to create meaningful connections without committing to any one person.

Preston's fear of finding another girl who resembled his high school ex, who exhibited borderline stalking behavior, could have made him cautious and hesitant to fully invest in a relationship. He might have been on guard, constantly assessing the behavior and intentions of the girls he met, fearing that he would once again experience a toxic dynamic.

Despite this fear, Preston might have found himself drawn to different girls he met during his Academy days. Each girl might have had unique qualities that resonated with him, making him believe that they could be "the one." However, his past experiences might have made him hesitant to fully commit, as he didn't want to risk falling into another unhealthy relationship.

Throughout his Academy days, Preston's approach to dating might have been characterized by a combination of excitement, caution, and a desire to find genuine connections. He might have enjoyed the thrill of meeting new people, but also felt a sense of vulnerability and apprehension due to his past experiences.

As he navigated these relationships, Preston could have learned valuable lessons about communication, setting boundaries, and recognizing red flags. These experiences might have shaped his perspective on love and relationships, allowing him to grow and develop a stronger sense of what he truly desired in a partner.

Overall, Preston's Academy days could have been a time of self-discovery, exploration, and learning from past mistakes. It was a period where he cautiously pursued connections, always aware of the potential for both joy and heartbreak.

USS Cascadia

During his time aboard the USS Cascadia, Preston's mindset and approach to relationships would likely continue to be influenced by his past experiences and his career aspirations. Here's a depiction of his time on the ship:

As Preston embarked on his first assignment aboard the USS Cascadia, he remained cautious about getting into any real relationships. His previous experiences had made him wary of investing too deeply, as he knew that this assignment was not his permanent placement. Instead, he saw this assignment as a stepping stone to advance his career.

Preston might have prioritized his professional growth and development during his time on the ship. He would have focused on excelling in his duties, building a strong reputation, and seeking opportunities to showcase his skills. This drive to advance his career could have made him hesitant to engage in romantic relationships that could potentially distract him from his goals.

While aboard the USS Cascadia, Preston might have maintained a more casual approach to dating and relationships. He might have enjoyed the companionship and connection with fellow crew members or people he met during downtime, but he would have been careful not to develop deep emotional attachments. This mindset allowed him to remain focused on his career objectives and avoid potential heartbreak.

Preston's time on the ship would have been marked by a balance between his dedication to his work and his desire for personal connections. He might have formed close friendships and enjoyed the camaraderie of ship life, but he would have been mindful not to let these relationships interfere with his professional aspirations.

Throughout his assignment, Preston's determination to use this opportunity as a platform for career advancement would have guided his decisions and interactions. He might have sought out mentors, actively participated in training programs, and taken on additional responsibilities to prove his capabilities.

Ultimately, Preston's time aboard the USS Cascadia would have been a period of focused dedication to his professional growth, with relationships taking a more secondary role. This mindset allowed him to make the most of the assignment, gaining valuable experience and positioning himself for future success in his career.

USS Tianjin

Preston was transferred to the USS Tianjin in 2405. He was grateful for the lessons and experience he had serving on the USS Cascadia. As he boarded the USS Tianjin, he looked forward to serving there. Preston had been told he got a great assignment and after looking the command staff up, he was looking forward to this more than ever.