Corvette Overview

Created by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez on 01/20/2020 @ 9:25am

✠ Corvette/Frigate ✠

IV: Corvette

A corvette is a small warship. It is traditionally the smallest class of vessel considered to be a proper (or "rated") warship. The warship class above the corvette is comparable to a frigate, while the class below was historically corvete style vessels you will see are pilot style escort vessels, that gain a tactical strike, from flank attacking, and attacking in numbers. These vessels are small and very agile. Corvettes are most used in defense or attack operations. Typically you do not see a Corvette on a patrol.

V: Frigate
Frigates are used to protect warships, and cruisers. They can be used as patrol vessels, but are more designed as escorts, for larger groups, like carriers, and Starbase defense. Ship classes dubbed "frigates" have also more closely resembled corvettes, destroyers, cruisers and even battleships. A frigate, like the corvette, has a short window of deployment, as they need to brought in for resupply.

The smallest and also the most numerable spaceships in the federation. Often assigned to patrolling the federations many colonies, planets and starbases. Number of decks: 2 - 5.

•Aquarius class
•Ares class
•Cardiff class
•Diligent class
•Dunmont class
•Ju’Day class
•Nova class
•Oberth class (retired)
•Raven class
•Rhode Island class
•Shepard class
•Walker class (retired)
•Wallace class
•Wildcat class (mothballed)

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