NXD Timeline

Created by Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez on 07/23/2019 @ 10:09am


April 7th, 2156 marked the beginning of Romulan hostilities towards Earth with the complete orbital bombardment of the surface of Vega Colony, killing close to half a million human colonists and delivering a crippling blow to Earth's economy. With their new alliance with the Suliban, the Romulans used Suliban operatives to assassinate political and military positions in the Vega administration. With the leadership under Suliban control, the defense grids were bought down and the Romulans were able to enter the system without disruption. The newly promoted Commodore Nicole Rossi tried to declare martial law and take control of the colony to no avail.

As the Romulans attacked, the Gemini NX-04 was able to escort a few convoys away from the system, but the majority of souls perished on Vega. A clean up by the Gemini and the NX-03 Endeavour of the area was made possible but few were found alive.

DISASTER AT VEGA Endeavour of the area was made possible but few were found alive.

April 7th, 2156 marked the beginning of Romulan hostilities towards Earth with the complete orbital bombardment of the surface of Vega Colony, killing close to half a million human colonists and delivering a crippling blow to Earth's economy. With their new alliance with the Suliban, the Romulans used Suliban operatives to assassinate political and military positions in the Vega administration. With the leadership under Suliban control, the defense grids were bought down and the Romulans were able to enter the system without disruption. The newly promoted Commodore Nicole Rossi tried to declare martial law and take control of the colony to no avail. Endeavour of the area was made possible but few were found alive.

As the Romulans attacked, the Gemini NX-04 was able to escort a few convoys away from the system, but the majority of souls perished on Vega. A clean up by the Gemini and the NX-03 Endeavour of the area was made possible but few were found alive. Endeavour of the area was made possible but few were found alive.

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