Created by Fleet Captain Carol Hogan on 05/19/2022 @ 3:39pm
How to Earn Promotions on this sim.
No matter what position you earn, or start at your character can advance in the story arc. You also have the right to turn down a promotion. A lot of the higher end ranks, will have cap limitations on them.
0 posts needed to earn the rank
Private First Class
25 posts needed to earn the rank
Lance Corporal
50 posts needed to earn the rank
100 posts needed to earn the rank
150 posts needed to earn the rank
Staff Sergeant (SSGT or GYSGT Max 1)
200 posts needed to earn the rank
Gunnery Sergeant (SSGT or GYSGT Max 1)
250 posts needed to earn the rank
First Sergeant (Max 1)
300 posts needed to earn the rank
Ensign | Second Lieutenant
0 posts needed to earn the rank
Lieutenant Junior Grade | First Lieutenant
25 posts needed to earn the rank
Lieutenant | Captain
75 posts needed to earn the rank
Lieutenant Commander | Major
125 posts needed to earn the rank
Commander | Lieutenant Colonel (Max 3, DH's Only)
175 posts needed to earn the rank
Must be the rank of SSGT to apply for Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer 200 posts
Staff Warrant Officer 300 posts
Master Warrant Officer 400 posts
Chief Warrant Officer 500 posts
If you apply to become a warrant officer, a special position will be created for you. You can not start off on this sim as a Warrant Officer, you must earn the rank.
Must be the rank of Corporal to apply for an officer's commission
You must seek CO approval and have a series of no less than 5 posts talking about your character going through Officer Candidate School. Once you complete the 5 posts, the CO of the sim will grant you a commission of the rank of Ensign. Then its 50 posts per promotion after you earn your commission.
If you want to take your character from a department head to an executive officer or a commanding officer you need to have 125 posts before you can apply. Prior to that if you have 75 posts you're character can apply to become second officer on a ship. You must at least have ten posts before you can apply to become an executive officer. Please note you have to be a second officer prior to applying. Once you reach the 125 posts with ten of those being at least a second officer you can apply for first officer academy.
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