View Award - Relationship Award
Awarded at the end of mission, the crew is allowed to nominate any member of the crew that helped participate in the previous mission. The recipient must have shown during the previous mission, being in a new relationship or continuing a long term relationship. This can be awarded three times per mission.
Category: In character
Awarded: 4 times
Fleet Captain Isabel Rayner (Robinson) 01/03/2020 @ 8:11am |
I love how Isabel was developed, especially when she went to Rosa with Jonathan. You can feel their relationship growing and how deeply they are feeling about one another. |
Rear Admiral Hadir Prenar 01/03/2020 @ 8:11am |
For the beginning of a relationship with Ensign Elani. This relationship is interesting for both characters as they both are hiding something from the other. While keeping everything hidden they are slowly falling in love. |
Lieutenant JG Elani 01/03/2020 @ 8:11am |
For the beginning of a relationship with Captain Hadir Prenar. This relationship is interesting for both characters as they both are hiding something from the other. While keeping everything hidden they are slowly falling in love. |
John Eagle 08/20/2019 @ 8:25pm |
Joachim is a joy to write with, he's supportive of the thoughts and opinions of those who work alongside his characters both as friends and romantic partners. He's very hard working and deserves this award and more. |