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12/28/2021 @ 3:53pm

Lt. Commander Derek Winston

Name Derek Winston

Rank Lt. Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0
Weight 175
Hair Color light brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Derek is tall, with brown hair that comes down around his ears and deep blue eyes. He has no tattoos or piercings.


Spouse Dating: Jordyn Hopkins
Children none
Father Dennis (deceased)
Mother Marcia (deceased)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family Uncle Michael "Mikey" Winston

Personality & Traits

General Overview Derek comes across as friendly and outgoing, as if he easily makes friends but he always studies others before he furthers a friendship.
Strengths & Weaknesses Great leaderships abilities, listens to others, patient.

Has trust issues, doesn't made solid friendships easily, can be stubborn
Ambitions To have his own ship one day as well as a family Believes he can do it all.
Hobbies & Interests Outdoor sports, exercise and fitness, games, dancing

Personal History Derek was born on a freighter his parents worked on. His childhood consisted of pulling his weight and schoolwork. His mother wanted him to get an education so that he could have a better life than where they were, though Derek loved it there.

When Derek was fourteen, the freighter was attacked by smugglers. It was a bloody battle, the freighters captain and crew were unwilling to give up their cargo. Finally a Federation ship showed up to come to their aid but their were casualties, among them both of Derek's parents.

Derek was sent to live with his Uncle Mikey, back on Earth. He was a security instructor with Starfleet. Uncle Mikey insisted that Derek complete his education. Derek felt the influence of his uncle and once he graduated, he signed up for Starfleet in the Security where he excelled. He also had an interest in intelligence which he minored in.

After graduation, he was approached and assigned to a ship under the guise of Security, when in all reality he was there to serve for intelligence. After serving several years and helping successfully take down some criminals, Derek was transferred back to Starfleet where he served undercover with a specialized team that took high risk cases.

Coming back from a particularly bad case, Derek asked to be assigned to Security on Star base Port Royale. He served there, once again as an undercover intelligence agent but never was used in that capacity. In 2398 he was pulled off of the station to go on a mission to help save the lives of some agents that were imprisoned. Derek made a deal with the head of intelligence and once that case was over, he was released from the department and assigned to Security permanently. Instead he was assigned to first officer of the USS Ottawa.