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09/09/2021 @ 9:25am

Lieutenant Justin Greene

Name Justin Greene

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 170
Hair Color brown (naturally blond)
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Justin is well built with short hair. He has no tattoos or markings


Spouse Engaged: Emily Patterson
Children none
Father Steven
Mother Terri
Brother(s) Devon-19 (half brother)
Sister(s) Cara-9 (half sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Justin is friendly and outgoing. He tries to make others feel comfortable and welcome.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is dedicated and hard working. He is a quick thinker and always follows orders

He can get lost in his work and loses track of time.
Hobbies & Interests Growing plants, outdoor activities, sports, table games

Personal History Justin was born in North Carolina. His mother was a stay at home mom who homeschooled him and gardened on their back property while his father was a lawyer in town.

As a child Justin spent a lot of time helping his mother with her garden and the fruit trees she had. He also spent time with his best friend Marco. Justin did not see a lot of his father as he always came home from work late and would be tired and in a bad mood, sometimes taking it out on his family. Justin learned to stay out of his way.

Justin's mother started dating his stepfather when he was eleven and they married when Justin was thirteen. He loved his stepdad and before long considered him his father. It wasn't long before a half brother was added to the family and then later on a sister.

He always knew he wanted to to into science and with his stepdad's support, Justin worked hard and was accepted at Starfleet Academy. He worked hard while there and soon graduated and headed off to begin his career on the USS Davidson. It was while there he met and dated Sally Murray. After several years of serving there, Justin was transferred to the USS Rochester. Neither of them wanted a long distance relationship so they decided to break up.

In 2395, Justin transferred to Starbase Port Royale into the science department. In 2399 he became CSO on the Tianjin and currently serves there.

He is currently engaged to Emily Patterson.