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09/09/2021 @ 9:25am

Lieutenant Michelle Rivers

Name Michelle Rivers

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 121
Hair Color light brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description Michelle is slender with shoulder length light brown hair with guarded blue eyes. She wears her hair down and has no piercings, one tattoo of the Enterprise NCC-1701.


Spouse Dating: Casper Reynolds
Children none
Father Devin
Mother Monica
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family Grandparents on her paternal side. Edwin and Grace

Personality & Traits

General Overview Michelle is friendly and outgoing. She gets along with most everyone and is happy either going to a party or staying at home and watching a movie.
Strengths & Weaknesses Michelle is serious about her job as an engineer and puts one hundred percent of herself into it. She is punctual and conscientious. Her priority is the engines and the running of the ship.

Michelle can be a workaholic and can be stubborn at times. She follows orders and believes in rules but when given what she believes is a bad order will be vocal.
Ambitions Captain
Hobbies & Interests Michelle likes to watch movies, play games, mountain climbing, jogging, long walks. Working on building some project in her quarters.

Personal History EARLY YEARS:

Michelle was born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, a place known for its breathtaking landscapes and rugged wilderness. From an early age, Michelle found solace and spending her with her beloved grandparents. She loved being in the house with her grandmother for long hours, it had a homey feeling to it in contrast to the cold stark one her parents had.

Her grandfather, a skilled woodworker and farmer, taught Michelle the art of crafting beautiful objects out of wood. Under his patient guidance, she learned to carve intricate designs, creating pieces that reflected the natural beauty that surrounded them. She also spent time working on his equipment, sometimes on her back underneath one for hours tinkering with it.

Michelle's confidence grew as she honed her skills, and she developed a deep bond with her grandfather through their shared passion for craftsmanship.

But woodworking was only one facet of Michelle's education. Her grandparents lived a self-sustaining lifestyle on their homestead, and Michelle eagerly lent a hand in every aspect of their daily life. She helped her grandmother as she canned food from their bountiful garden, discovering the joy of preserving flavors and nourishment. Together, they cooked hearty meals, filling their home with mouth watering aromas and laughter. Her grandmother also taught her the age-old tradition of soap making, mixing scents and colors to create soaps that would leave the skin feeling soft and rejuvenated.

Michelle cherished these moments with her grandparents, and they became the anchor that grounded her amidst the chaos of the outside world. Because, in truth, Michelle felt like she was from two different worlds. When she was at her grandparents' farm, she felt free, connected to them and content with herself. She didn't have to act or behave a certain way; being herself was acceptable. There was no need for makeup or conforming to societal expectations. She could dress comfortably, with no judgment from her grandparents, who valued her for who she truly was.

When summer ended, Michelle could feel the weight of her true self being suffocated beneath the expectations of her prestigious family. As the last rays of sunshine melted into the horizon, she knew that she would soon be forced back home to the stifling confines of the city, where she lived a life of lies in order to satisfy her parents and maintain their approval.

Michelle's father was none other than the esteemed mayor of Anchorage, a man who possessed lofty ambitions and great expectations for his daughter. Her mother, on the other hand, was the president of the local garden club and held prominent roles on various committees. From the moment Michelle was born, it was as if her fate had been predetermined - she was to be the perfect little princess, molded into an image of perfection through meticulously styled hair, a face adorned with make-up, and an array of extravagant dresses. She felt like a porcelain doll, delicately crafted but devoid of any true substance.

In truth, Michelle's heart yearned for a simpler existence. She found solace in t-shirts and worn-out blue jeans, relishing the freedom of a pair of well-worn sneakers and a ponytail that embraced the wildness of her spirit. But such comforts were deemed unworthy by her parents, who valued appearance and societal expectations over their daughter's happiness.

Even her bedroom served as a constant reminder of the life she longed to escape. It was a sea of suffocating pink, a beige room furnished with a gilded princess bed and matching furniture. The very sight of it made Michelle's chest tighten, for she could never truly relax within those stifling walls. Every item had to be perfectly in place, every fabric pristine, and every ornament meticulously arranged. In this sterile environment, Michelle's existence was reduced to that of a mere decorative piece, meant to be seen but never heard.

It wasn’t the room or feeling trapped in it that bothered her, it was the whole way it was decorated. Michelle was content to spend hours at her friends house in their rooms or going to explore caves. Looking at those pink walls made her want to vomit.

Despite her love for her parents, Michelle couldn't help but feel like an intruder in her own life. The stark differences between their world and her true self left her feeling isolated and yearning for an escape. She often sought solace going to her friends houses where their room would have a trophy here or a sports shirt on a chair. It was comfortable and lived in., Michelle could almost taste the freedom she longed for. If they would make their house a home she would


Michelle was fifteen when she discovered what her future was leading her. She had filled out a questionnaire for her counselor, and her interests came back to engineering. Michelle took a few brochures her counselor gave her and took them home to look over. The one for Starfleet fascinated her. She tucked it away in her school backpack, not wanting her parents to see it. They had a way of subverting any plans outside the direction they had for her. Not only that but her parents were scared to have her leave Alaska, they had moved there because of the Synth Attack. It had been an area that had not been affected.

The one place that Michelle could go to that she didn't feel strangled was her friend Belinda Taylor's home. Belinda’s parents were wealthy and high society, but they were down-to-earth and didn't act like Michelle's. She would go over to their house and use their computer to soak up all she could about Starfleet. One of the things Michelle had in common with Brandy was they both wanted to serve in Starfleet.

During high school, Michelle dated Greydon Carmichael. He was the son of the city attorney. Both her parents hinted strongly at a union between them. Michelle liked Greydon; he was down-to-earth and a lot of fun. When they went out, she felt like she could talk to him about anything, and he wouldn't go back and tell anyone. He understood her drive to be something other than the princess bride.

Towards the end of her senior year, Michelle sent in an application to go to Starfleet Academy. This was the one thing she hid, even from Belinda and Greydon. Michelle didn't know why, but she was afraid that something would be said, and her parents would somehow try to control her future choices as well. Michelle knew they wouldn’t approve and would try to talk her out of a career in Starfleet, given the Synth Attack. Her mother, especially, was afraid. She didn’t even want to talk about it.

When her acceptance papers came, Michelle sent them straight to her grandparents, she didn’t want to upset her parents, she knew she had to tell them sooner or later but Michelle wanted them to enjoy her graduation without stressing over it. She could now start to plan for her future.

Michelle was carrying high grades in school and was graduating with honors in the top ten of her class. Her classes were geared towards engineering. Michelle wondered how her parents hadn't questioned her course selections, but in truth, they really only cared about her grade point average.

After graduation, Michelle's parents had a party for her at the Yacht Club. All her friends and classmates were invited, her grandparents, as well as influential people. Halfway through the party, Greydon came over to where she sat with her friends and took her hand. Michelle could see he had a serious expression on his face as they walked outside and onto the veranda. When he turned to her and almost dropped on one knee, Michelle's eyes widened. She couldn't let him do this when she knew what her answer would be.

Michelle took his hand and started walking to the gazebo set in the grass behind the building. As they sat down, she looked him in the eyes and told him that she couldn't marry him. Michelle could tell by the look in his eyes that he was hurt and she felt a pang of guilt in her heart.

It had taken Michelle months to gather the courage to confess her true feelings to him. They had been together for years, planning their future together, but something deep within her had changed. She couldn't ignore the growing doubt and restlessness that had been gnawing at her for months.
Sitting in the serene gazebo, the soft echo of chirping birds filling the air, Michelle poured out her heart to him. She spoke of the doubts and fears that had taken residence in her mind, of the dreams she had long suppressed, and the need to rediscover herself. Their relationship had once seemed like an unbreakable bond, but now it felt like a weight around her neck. She was heading to Starfleet for a career in engineering and his heart was set on staying here and becoming a lawyer, something he always dreamed of.

Greydon dismissed her words at first, shaking his head. He knew they could make this work and he was determined to change her mind. He started to raise his voice and Michelle calmly, with tears on her cheeks told him she had thought this over carefully for a while. She wasn’t changing her mind.
As she spoke, her voice trembled, and her eyes welled up with tears. The man she loved remained silent, his face a mixture of confusion and heartache. He had within him a tender heart, one that was always willing to understand and support her. Michelle had always admired that about him, but now she feared that her decision would betray all the love and kindness he had shown her.

They sat in the gazebo, engulfed in a sea of emotions, unsure of what the future would hold. Michelle felt the weight of her words hang heavy in the air, suffocating the tranquility that had once surrounded them. In that moment, she questioned her decision, wondering if she had made a terrible mistake.

But deep within her, a voice whispered, reminding her of the importance of staying true to herself. She knew that she couldn't ignore the void that had formed within her, the longing for something more, something she was yet to discover. She realized that continuing into marriage would only lead to a lifetime of regret and what-ifs.

As the sun began to set, its golden hues painting the sky, Michelle and the man she loved continued to sit in silence. The weight of their unspoken words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the uncertainty that now enveloped them. The gazebo, once a symbol of their love, now felt like a prison of unfulfilled dreams.
Finally, breaking the silence, Greydon reached out and gently wiped away tears from Michelle's cheek. He took a deep breath and told her he loved her. That her saying no had broken his heart but he wanted her to be happy.

As they left the gazebo, hand in hand, they carried with them the memories of the love they had shared. And as they walked away from the grassy field, Michelle couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope in her heart. The journey ahead would be difficult, but she knew that she had made the right decision for herself.

Sometimes, in order to find true happiness, one must have the courage to let go of what no longer serves them. And in that moment, Michelle understood that by following her own path, she was both honoring the relationship she had once cherished and embracing the life that awaited her.
The morning after her graduation, Michelle woke up remembering the night before. She should be excited to be heading to the academy but she felt sad over how she had hurt Greydon. She had almost given in but she knew they would both be torn apart later. What she had done was the right call but why had it had to hurt so much.

This was a pivotal moment in her life as she prepared to leave everything she knew behind. Michelle knew it would be a long time before she saw her parents again. With her bags packed, she made her way downstairs, ready to talk to her parents.

Michelle had planned to tell them last night about her visit with her grandparents and then heading to the academy but after they got back from the Gazebo her mother had been shocked that she turned down Greydon. Her father was visably upset and tried to change her mind. To her embarrassment her mother started crying and begging her to take Greydon back. Michelle had just walked out, getting a ride back home from Belinda. When her parents came home they knocked on her door. When she didn’t answer they said they would talk to her in the morning.

Michelle wanted to visit her grandparents before she left for the academy and she decided last night, after the scene at the Yacht Club that she would leave with them today. Otherwise she would be arguing with her parents constantly.

Michelle poured herself a cup of coffee, all the while aware of her parents eyes on her. She sat down and looked at them and started to speak. Michelle told them she knew this wasn’t what they wanted for her but it was what she did. Her mother started talking about the Synth War and how scared she was that Michelle would pick Starfleet to join.

Her father picked up from there and told her he was greatly disappointed she had lost her chance with Greydon and that she wanted to go play engineer. He knew she would come back and regret this.
Michelle sat for a minute collecting her thoughts and then she told them that disappointing them hurt and she wasn’t doing it on purpose. This was her dream, it was what she wanted out of life. That she knew the risks and she was willing to take them.

Her father told her she had time to think it over and that was when Michelle told them she would be leaving with her grandparents later in the day. She explained she wanted to see the homestead and spend time with them as well.

Her parents exchanged a worried glance before her mother's tears began to flow more freely. Michelle stood up and enveloped her mother in a tight hug, her sobs audible. Michelle stood and held her until her mothers sobbing died down. She looked at her parents tears in her own eyes and asked them to please accept her choices, they had raised her and she wanted to use the values they had given her.

Her parents looked at each other and with slow nods, gave reluctant blessings, They spent the day together and then late in the afternoon, Michelle left with her grandparents. She spent the summer on her grandparents' farm. It was a time of reflection, where she prepared herself mentally and emotionally for the challenges that lay ahead. Surrounded by the simplicity of nature, she found solace and inspiration.

When the time came to bid her grandparents farewell, Michelle's determination to succeed at Starfleet Academy had only grown stronger. With renewed enthusiasm, she boarded the shuttle to San Francisco.


Once the summer was over, Michelle excitedly packed her bags and headed to Starfleet Academy. She had dreamt of this moment for years - the moment when she would finally step foot into the prestigious academy and begin her journey towards becoming a Starfleet officer. As she walked through the main gates, a sense of anticipation and determination filled her heart.
At the same time, her parting with her parents weighed in her. She had talked to them a lot and could tell they didn’t understand her choices at all. Michelle had an ache in her heart that she had hurt them and her mother was in fear for her.

Greydon had called her many times. He still felt they could work this out. Michelle felt the guilt weigh on her and finally told him she thought it was doing him no good to call her this much. She asked him for a break so that they could both reflect on things.

Michelle stopped at Admissions and got her dorm assignment as well as her curriculum and class schedule. She was assigned to share a room with Brandy, her friend from back home. They were both excited to be sharing a room.

While Michelle was focused on her studies, she also enjoyed the occasional break to have fun and unwind. She and Brandy would explore the local attractions or have movie nights in their dorm room. They had a strong bond, sharing dreams, aspirations, and even their deepest fears. Belinda had been her close friend back in high school but she was more like a sister now.

Michelle's love life didn't quite go as smoothly. She dated two guys during her time at the academy. The first one, Mike Jacobs, was kind-hearted but overly attentive, smothering Michelle with his constant need to take care of her. She valued her independence and realized that she needed someone who would respect her autonomy and support her ambitions. Michelle felt like she was suffocating. It had not been that long since she had turned down Greydon’s proposal. She wasn’t emotionally capable at this time to even think about having a serious relationship. And then there was her parents. They definitely wouldn’t approve of him and though she would end up with who she wanted to, Michelle wanted them to be happy for her. With a heavy heart, she ended the relationship, knowing that it wasn't the right fit for her.

The second guy, Paulo Ortiz, seemed like a perfect match. They shared similar interests and enjoyed each other's company. They went on adventures, explored new places, and had a blast together. Michelle thought she had found "the one," but things took a turn when he started becoming possessive and demanding. He didn't understand the importance she placed on her studies and constantly pushed her to prioritize him over her career. Michelle could see that she still wasn’t ready for dating seriously. She feared a repeat of Greydons proposal, which still bothered her. Michelle had a hope inside her that one day she would bring a man she loved home to meet her family and they would see their love for one another. She knew that she wasn’t in the right frame of mind to make a decision about something as important as marriage, so she broke up with him, deciding to put dating away for a while.

Realizing that she couldn't compromise her dreams, Michelle mustered the courage to end the relationship. It was a difficult decision, but she knew that sacrificing her future for someone who didn't share her values would only lead to regret. She took a vow to focus solely on becoming an engineer and gave up on dating for a while.

Four years flew by, and Michelle found herself standing at the graduation ceremony, surrounded by her family and loved ones. Her parents still had reservations about her choice but Michelle had reached out to them, they had come and visited her and got a better understanding of how talented she was. Her father seemed proud of what she accomplished. Her mother was still emotional but Michelle could tell she she come a long way. Her tears were from pride this time instead of fear. lHer grandparents, too, beamed with joy, knowing that their support had made a difference in her life.

As Michelle walked across the stage to receive her diploma, she couldn't help but feel a profound sense of accomplishment. All the sleepless nights, the hours spent studying, and the sacrifices she made were worth it. She had proven to herself and everyone else that she had what it took to succeed.

After graduation, Michelle received the news she had been eagerly anticipating - she was assigned to the USS Nautilus, one of the most advanced starships in Valhalla Fleet Yards. Excitement bubbled within her as she prepared to embark on her first official assignment as a Starfleet officer.


Michelle's journey had been filled with ups and downs, heartbreak and triumphs, but through it all, she had remained steadfast in her determination to forge her own path. As she stepped aboard the USS Nautilus, ready to take on the challenges that awaited her, she knew that her future was bright and that she was exactly where she was meant to be.