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09/09/2021 @ 9:25am

Captain Harrold Anderson

Name Harrold Wayne Anderson

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0 Feet
Weight 180 Pounds
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Six feet tall with a slender build. He has no tattoo's or scars.


Spouse Dating: Kiera McAlister (Sammi)
Children Child 1: Aanyo Kerja, 19 years old
Child 2: Carly Wilda, 20 years old

Father Eugene Rodger Anderson
Mother Susie May Anderson
Brother(s) Patrick Anderson USS Hitachi, Chief of Security.
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview Harry possessed great ambition and a penchant for leading missions. Having served as a first officer, he had a natural ability to navigate any situation and ensure the safety of his team. Despite his commanding nature, Harry was known for being friendly and approachable, always taking the time to get to know those under his command.

In the year 2400, Harry's life took an unexpected turn when he discovered he was a father not once, but twice. His oldest daughter, Carly Wilda, was entrusted to his care after her mother was incarcerated for piracy within Federation borders. The federation had abandoned their home, leaving Carly's mother in a difficult situation.

Around the same time, Harry was awarded custody of his second daughter, Kerja Aanyo. Tragically, her mother lost her life during the Battle of New Bajor when the Crescent of Sephira attacked the USS Hangzhou and the Federation colony. Although the colony could be evacuated, Kerja's mother was unable to escape the battle.

With the responsibility of raising two teenagers, Harry often felt like he was failing them. It was a constant struggle for the three of them to find their footing as a family. However, despite his doubts, he had reason to believe that he had done something right. Both Carly and Kerja decided to follow in their father's footsteps and join Starfleet Academy after graduating high school.

Seeing his daughters pursue their dreams and embrace the values he held dear, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Perhaps, amidst the challenges they faced, he had managed to instill important qualities in them. As they embarked on their own journeys, Harry's doubts began to fade, replaced by a glimmer of hope that he had, in fact, been the father they needed all along.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

- Multi-tasking: Harry excels at handling multiple tasks and responsibilities simultaneously, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

- Kind, caring, and compassionate: Harry has a big heart and genuinely cares about the well-being of others. He goes out of his way to support and help those around him.

- Loyalty: Harry is fiercely loyal to his friends, family, and those under his command. He stands by them through thick and thin, always offering his unwavering support.

- Friendly: Harry has a warm and approachable demeanor, making it easy for others to feel comfortable in his presence. He values building positive relationships and treats everyone with respect.

- Strategic thinker: Harry possesses excellent strategic thinking skills. He can analyze complex situations and come up with effective plans to achieve the best possible outcomes.

- Adaptability: Harry is flexible and can quickly adjust to unexpected changes or challenges. He thrives in dynamic environments and can think on his feet to find solutions.


- Slow at forgiveness: Harry finds it difficult to let go of grudges and forgive those who have wronged him. He may hold onto negative feelings for an extended period before considering forgiveness.

- Quick to judge: Sometimes, Harry forms opinions or makes judgments about people or situations prematurely, without fully understanding the complete picture. This tendency can lead to misunderstandings.

- Competitive: Harry has a strong competitive streak, always striving to be the best and prove himself. While this drive can be motivating, it may occasionally cloud his judgment or create unnecessary tension.

- Slow to trust people: Due to past experiences, Harry is cautious when it comes to trusting others. It takes time for him to open up and build trust, as he prefers to be certain of someone's intentions and reliability.

Overall, Harry's strengths lie in his ability to multitask, show kindness and compassion, be loyal and friendly, think strategically, and adapt to changing circumstances. However, he should be mindful of his weaknesses, such as being slow to forgive, quick to judge, competitive, and slow to trust others. By recognizing and addressing these weaknesses, Harry can continue to grow and become an even stronger individual.

Ambitions Harry's ambitions would likely revolve around personal growth, making a positive impact on others, and achieving success in his chosen endeavors. Here are some potential ambitions for Harry:

1. Professional success: Harry may aspire to climb the chain of command ladder within Starfleet, excel in his chosen field, and achieve recognition for his skills and achievements. He might have ambitions to lead a team or even start his own business, driven by his strategic thinking and adaptability.

2. Making a difference: Given Harry's kind, caring, and compassionate nature, he may have ambitions to make a positive impact on the lives of others. This could manifest in various ways, such as working for a nonprofit organization, volunteering, or engaging in community initiatives.

3. Personal development: Harry may have ambitions to continuously improve himself, both personally and professionally. This could involve pursuing further education or certifications, attending workshops or seminars, or seeking out mentors who can help him grow and develop his skills.

4. Building strong relationships: Harry's loyalty and friendly nature may lead him to prioritize building and nurturing strong relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. He may have ambitions to create a supportive network of people who inspire and motivate him, and vice versa.

5. Balance and well-being: Harry may have ambitions to find a healthy work-life balance and prioritize his physical and mental well-being. This could involve setting goals for self-care, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and pursuing hobbies or activities that bring him joy and fulfillment.

Ultimately, Harry's ambitions would be aligned with his strengths and values, focusing on personal growth, making a positive impact, and achieving success while maintaining a sense of balance and well-being.

Hobbies & Interests Harry is a driven and compassionate individual who has a zest for life and a passion for personal growth. As a captain and a father, his priorities have shifted, but his love for adventure and exploration remains steadfast.

When he's not busy commanding the ship, Harry finds solace in the company of his crew. He enjoys socializing with them in the lounge, engaging in meaningful conversations, and fostering a sense of camaraderie. However, as his responsibilities increase, Harry realizes that his party life may need to take a backseat.

One of Harry's favorite ways to unwind and escape from the pressures of his role is by immersing himself in the holodeck. There, he can let loose, dance to his heart's content, and experience a world beyond the confines of the ship. The holodeck serves as his personal sanctuary, where he can recharge and find joy in the virtual realm.

In addition to his love for dancing, Harry is also dedicated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. He can often be found in the ship's gym, pushing himself to new limits and staying physically fit. Regular workouts help him stay focused and energized, ensuring he can be at the top of his game when it matters most.

Outside of the ship, Harry's adventurous spirit takes him to the great outdoors. He is an avid camper, finding solace in nature and the peacefulness it offers. Harry embraces challenges and thrives on adrenaline, making rock climbing, white water rafting, and backpacking among his favorite activities. He is always seeking new opportunities for exploration and discovering hidden gems in uncharted territories.

Snorkeling is another passion of Harry's, as he revels in the beauty of the underwater world. The tranquility and vibrant marine life captivate his senses, providing him with moments of serenity and awe.

While Harry's role as a captain and a father may demand more of his time and attention, his love for adventure, exploration, and personal growth remains an integral part of who he is. Whether it's socializing with his crew, dancing in the holodeck, working out in the gym, or embarking on thrilling outdoor adventures, Harry embraces life with enthusiasm and an unwavering spirit of curiosity.

Personal History Early Years

Once upon a time, in the vast depths of space, there was a young man named Harry Anderson. Born aboard the USS Lexington in the year 2367, he was a true child of the stars. His parents, Eugene and Susie May Anderson, had served on the Lexington during the tumultuous Dominion War, and their love for adventure had been passed down to their son.

Although Harry's parents hailed from a small town called Beaverton on Earth, he had never set foot on the planet itself. Instead, his childhood was filled with the constant movement from one starship to another. He was a genuine space drifter, traversing the galaxies alongside his parents.

But as Harry grew older, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for something more. Despite his parents' insistence that he was an earthling, Harry found it hard to consider Earth his home when all he had ever known was the boundless expanse of space. He yearned for the excitement and camaraderie he imagined could be found at Starfleet Academy.

With a heart full of determination, Harry set his sights on joining Starfleet, just like his parents had done before him. He dreamed of serving alongside fellow explorers, charting new frontiers, and making a difference in the universe. The thought of donning the iconic Starfleet uniform and embarking on thrilling missions filled him with hope and anticipation.

As he prepared to take the first steps towards his dream, Harry couldn't help but wonder what the Academy days would be like. Would he meet lifelong friends? Would he excel in his studies? And most importantly, would he finally find a place he could truly call home?

With these questions swirling in his mind, Harry's journey to Starfleet Academy began, filled with excitement, determination, and a burning desire to carve his own path among the stars. And little did he know, the adventures that awaited him would not only shape his future but also bring him closer to discovering his true identity and the place where he truly belonged.

Starfleet Academy Earth

Harry Anderson was a devoted Starfleet enthusiast who had always dreamed of serving in the Federation. When news of the synth attack of 2385 reached his ears, he was devastated. Determined to contribute to the rebuilding efforts, he made the decision to join Darkley Academy, a prestigious institution known for producing skilled officers.

In 2389, Harry successfully graduated from Starfleet Academy, having studied tactical operations and security procedures. His goal was to become a chief of security officer for Starfleet, ensuring the safety of the Federation and its citizens. Harry was known for being disciplined and adhering strictly to protocol, earning him a reputation as a "by the book" character.

During his time at the Academy, Harry crossed paths with Elena Wilda, a spirited and passionate young woman. They were drawn to each other's magnetic personalities and shared a passionate and intense romantic fling. Elena provided a much-needed balance to Harry's life, allowing him to momentarily escape the pressures of his studies and immerse himself in the joy of their connection.

However, as time went on, Harry began to realize that Elena had a penchant for chaos. While he appreciated the excitement she brought into his life, he also recognized that her actions sometimes undermined the stability and order he valued so highly. In the end, they both made the difficult decision to part ways.

By the end of the first year of the Academy, Elena, disillusioned with the Federation's new Pacifist beliefs, decided to drop out. She couldn't reconcile herself with the direction the Federation was taking, and she yearned for a different path. Though their lives took separate courses, the memory of their time together remained etched in Harry's heart, serving as a reminder of the delicate balance between duty and personal desires.

Harry, now a graduate of Starfleet Academy, embarked on his journey to become a chief of security officer for Starfleet. With his steadfast commitment to upholding the Federation's principles, he would face the challenges of a changing galaxy, all while carrying the lessons he had learned from his time with Elena.

USS Vancouver

Ensign Harry Anderson eagerly joined the USS Vancouver, a parliament class starship, where he was assigned as a beta shift security officer. Determined to prove himself as a capable officer, Harry meticulously kept detailed records and followed protocols to the letter. Some of his fellow officers would teasingly comment on his by-the-book approach, encouraging him to loosen up and embrace the gray areas of Starfleet life.

Still nursing a broken heart from his past with Elena, Harry found himself hesitant to venture into the dating world. However, fate had other plans for him when he met Tara Aanyo, a fiery Bajoran woman whose personality clashed with his in a passionate and intense way. They shared a wild weekend during a routine shore leave on Starbase 328 before parting ways.

Refocusing his efforts on his career, Harry believed he had achieved a sense of balance. However, when the time for promotion arrived, he was devastated to discover he had been denied. Initially taking it personally, Harry began contemplating a transfer, feeling that the Vancouver no longer offered him the opportunities he desired.

When a position opened up on the USS Archimedes in 2392 for an assistant chief of security, Harry saw it as a chance for a fresh start. He applied and was granted the position. But before he left, Lieutenant Droc, his current chief of security, requested a meeting in his office.

In a heartfelt conversation, Lieutenant Droc expressed his belief in Harry's potential and his disappointment that Harry had chosen to transfer. He wanted to mentor Harry and help him grow into a leadership role. Droc emphasized the importance of working for his people and not against them, encouraging Harry to develop a deeper understanding of situations before seeking punishment.

Though initially confused, Harry appreciated Droc's sincere advice and guidance. He realized that his soon-to-be former commanding officer was trying to impart valuable lessons about empathy, leadership, and personal growth. With newfound determination, Harry embarked on his new assignment, ready to learn from his experiences and become the leader he was destined to be.

USS Archimedes

In 2394, Harry found himself transferred to the USS Archimedes, a Galaxy class starship, where he assumed the role of assistant chief of security under the leadership of Lieutenant Gomar. Unbeknownst to Harry, Gomar had been mentored by Lieutenant Droc, who had hoped that Gomar could provide guidance and mentorship to Harry as well.

Harry was initially surprised by Gomar's relaxed demeanor. He couldn't fathom how someone who oversaw the security of a thousand people on a starship could remain so composed and handle everything with such grace. However, as time went on, Harry began to internalize Gomar's approach and understand the importance of social norms and when to apply protocols and when to exercise flexibility.

Gomar emphasized the significance of empathy and compassion in the role of security. He taught Harry that protecting others extended beyond physical safety; it also involved safeguarding their emotional and spiritual well-being.

Before Harry knew it, two years had passed under Gomar's guidance. Gomar encouraged him to apply for his own departmental role, recognizing how far Harry had come in the past few years. Gomar was immensely proud of Harry's growth and development, and he believed that Harry was ready to take on more responsibility and lead his own team.

USS Livingstone

In 2394, Harry transferred to the USS Livingstone, where he received a promotion to the position of Chief of Security and Tactical. The Nebula class starship served as a stepping stone in his career, and Harry was well aware that the next three years would be crucial for honing his skills and applying everything he had learned from Droc and Gomar.

During his time on the Livingstone, Harry encountered a few close calls, demonstrating his competence and earning him high praise. This success led to his promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Commander in 2396. With this new rank, Harry began to explore Second Officer positions, considering his next step in advancing his career. Captain Del Mar, the current captain of the Livingstone, recognized Harry's potential and strongly encouraged him to pursue a command-level position.

With the captain's support and belief in his abilities, Harry started to seriously consider taking on a leadership role. He saw this as an opportunity to further develop his skills and make a greater impact within Starfleet. The encouragement from Captain Del Mar fueled his ambition and motivated him to strive for even higher positions in his career.

USS Juno

In the year 2397, Harry's life took an unexpected turn. During a routine mission aboard the starship USS Juno they encountered a mysterious anomaly that transported them to a parallel universe. In this alternate reality, Harry discovered that he was not actually a single man but had a wife and two children, he was serving on the USS Excalibur.

Confused and overwhelmed, Harry tried to adjust to this new reality while also dealing with the challenges of being a starship captain. He struggled to balance his responsibilities as a leader and his newfound role as a husband and father. However, he soon realized that his family brought him a sense of joy and fulfillment that he had never experienced before.

As Harry navigated this parallel universe, he learned valuable lessons about the importance of family and the choices he had made in his own timeline. He began to appreciate the sacrifices he had made for his career but also realized that there was more to life than just professional success.

With the support of his wife and children, Harry found a renewed sense of purpose and motivation in his role as a starship captain. He became an even more compassionate and understanding leader, treating his crew as a second family. Together, they faced numerous challenges in this alternate reality, but Harry knew that he had found his true calling.

As the years went by, Harry achieved his dream of becoming a captain before his 40th birthday. He became a respected figure in Starfleet, known for his dedication, wisdom, and the love he showed to both his crew and his family. Harry's journey taught him that sometimes life has a way of surprising us, and that the choices we make can lead us down unexpected but ultimately fulfilling paths.

The crew of the USS Juno were able to rescue Harry from the alternate reality he has spent about 4 months in that universe but for whatever reason it felt like years had passed. Detergent babe was it really an alternate universe or was it some kind of time dilation effect he wasn't certain but he knew it felt real to him.

Returning to his own reality in the Prime universe, Harry found himself grappling with a profound sense of loss. The memories of his wife and children from the alternate universe were still vivid in his mind, creating a bittersweet ache within him. He couldn't help but wonder what could have been, and if he had made a mistake by choosing his career over starting a family.

Haunted by this emotional turmoil, Harry sought solace in the company of his closest friends and colleagues. He confided in them about his experiences in the parallel universe, sharing the joy and love he had discovered there. They offered him comfort and reminded him that he had made significant contributions to Starfleet and the lives of those around him.

While Harry's heart still carried the weight of his lost family, he channeled his emotions into his work. He became even more dedicated to his crew, forging deeper connections and ensuring their well-being. He used his experiences from the alternate universe as a reminder to appreciate the bonds he had in the Prime reality.

Over time, Harry found a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment in his career. He continued to excel in his role as a starship captain, earning the admiration and respect of his peers. However, there remained a part of him that longed for the family he had briefly known in the parallel universe.

In his moments of solitude, Harry often pondered the complexities of life and the choices that had led him to where he was. He realized that while he couldn't change the past, he could shape his future. Inspired by the love he had experienced in the alternate reality, Harry became more open to the possibility of finding love and starting a family in his own timeline.

As time progressed, Harry's perspective on life expanded. He began to explore new opportunities for personal growth, including dating and building meaningful relationships. Though he carried the memories of his lost family, he understood that embracing the present and embracing the potential for love and companionship were important steps in finding happiness.

In the years that followed, Harry's journey continued, filled with both triumphs and challenges. Through it all, he held onto the lessons learned from his time in the parallel universe, cherishing the importance of love, family, and the delicate balance between personal and professional fulfillment. And as he navigated the stars, Harry remained hopeful that one day he would find the love and companionship he had briefly experienced in that alternate reality.

In 2399 and at the age of 15, Carla joined. Aboard the USS Juno, her mother was arrested for piracy and ultimately charged with parent neglect custody of their daughter was then assigned to then couldn't Commander Harold Anderson Second Officer aboard the Juno.

As Harry and Carla embarked on their journey together, they were both filled with mixed emotions and uncertainties. Carla struggled to trust her biological father, feeling resentful about the circumstances that brought them together. She saw her assignment on the USS Juno as just another form of imprisonment, a constant reminder of the choices that had led her down this path.

Sensing Carla's resentment and frustration, Harry knew that building trust would take time and patience. He was determined to be there for his daughter, to provide the guidance and support she needed. He recognized that their relationship couldn't be forced, but rather had to evolve naturally.

Over time, Harry and Carla had heart-to-heart conversations, allowing them to understand each other's perspectives better. Harry shared his own struggles and regrets, acknowledging the mistakes he had made in the past. He assured Carla that he genuinely wanted to be there for her, to make up for lost time and provide her with the love and care she deserved.

Gradually, Carla began to see glimpses of her father's sincerity and commitment. She realized that Harry wasn't just the poster boy of the Federation, but someone who genuinely wanted to be a part of her life. While her trust was still fragile, she decided to give him a chance.

As they spent more time together, Harry and Carla found common ground and shared experiences. Harry encouraged Carla to explore her passions and talents, supporting her in finding her own identity. He used their time together on the USS Juno as an opportunity to bond and create cherished memories.

When Harry shared the news about his upcoming promotion to the USS Shanghai, a Juno-class starship, Carla's perspective started to shift. The prospect of a new environment and a fresh start gave her a glimmer of hope. She began to see the potential for growth and new experiences.

As the year on the USS Juno progressed, Harry and Carla's relationship continued to strengthen. They learned to navigate the challenges of being a father and daughter, finding solace in their shared journey. Carla started to appreciate the sacrifices her father had made and the efforts he put into being there for her.

By the time their assignment on the USS Juno came to an end, Carla had grown immensely. She realized that, despite her initial resistance, Harry had become an important figure in her life. Together, they had found a sense of belonging and family amidst the vastness of space.

As they prepared to embark on their new chapter aboard the USS Shanghai, Harry and Carla faced the future with a renewed sense of hope and optimism. Their shared experiences had laid the foundation for a relationship built on love, understanding, and mutual respect. And with each passing day, they grew closer, forging a bond that would last a lifetime.

USS Shanghai

By 2400, Harry and Carla had formed a complex family dynamic, navigating the challenges of their newfound relationships. Boarding the USS Shanghai, they embarked on a mission to the Gamma Quadrant, with Harry leading a mission to New Bajor to address civil unrest caused by the Crescent of Sephira, an unknown hostile force.

During their mission, Harry was surprised to discover that the local colonial leader, Tara, with whom he had a history from his Academy days, was actually Kerja's mothe, a daughter he learned he had during this mission.

Learning about his daughter's existence left Harry and Carla feeling upset and conflicted. Carla had just started accepting her father's presence in her life and now had to come to terms with having a half-sister who would be joining their family.

Unfortunately, the negotiations between the Crescent of Sephira and the Federation failed, leading to an attack on the colony and the USS Shanghai. Tara sacrificed her life to save her people, leaving Kerja devastated. Despite Carla's initial resistance, her empathetic nature led her to recognize that Kerja needed their support, and she reluctantly agreed to have her sister live with them.

However, Kerja expressed her desire to return to Bajor, not feeling a connection with Harry or Carla. This led to conflicts and arguments within the family. Starfleet Command intervened and informed Harry that he would once again have to take on the responsibility of raising his daughter.

Although Harry was initially overwhelmed by the unexpected turn of events, he embraced the opportunity to be a father of two. Despite the challenges and the feelings of guilt for not knowing about his daughters earlier, he was determined to do his best for them. Over the next four years, Harry focused on building a loving and supportive home for both Carla and Kerja.

While Harry always felt like he could have done more, he took solace in the fact that both Carla and Kerja chose to follow in his footsteps by joining Starfleet Academy. As they grew and matured, the three of them learned how to accept and support one another, gradually forming a stronger bond as a family.

Through their shared experiences and the love they had for each other, Harry, Carla, and Kerja found their own unique place in the universe. They became a resilient and united family, overcoming the challenges that life had thrown their way. With each passing day, they cherished their journey together, finding strength in the unbreakable bond they had formed as father and daughters.

Command Academy

With their time at Starfleet Academy coming to an end, Harry and Kiera found themselves facing an unexpected twist of fate. Both of them were assigned to Valhalla Fleet Yards, a fortunate turn of events that brought them closer together. Kiera was set to serve as the commanding officer of the USS Ottawa, while Harry was to take command of the USS Hangzhou.

As they embarked on their new assignments, Harry couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He was thrilled to have the opportunity to lead his own starship, but he also longed for the chance to be reunited with his daughters, Carla and Kerja. With both of them starting their own journeys at the academy, Harry hoped that they would find their own paths and share in the wonders of space exploration.

Meanwhile, Kiera's two small children remained a constant presence in her life. Harry had yet to meet them, but he had seen the love and dedication Kiera had for them. He admired her strength and knew that if their relationship were to progress, he would embrace the role of a supportive partner and father figure.

As the days passed and their bond grew stronger, Harry and Kiera found themselves contemplating a future together. They had both come a long way, overcoming their initial hesitations about starting a serious relationship. The connection they shared was undeniable, and they couldn't ignore the magnetic pull drawing them closer.

With the support of Admiral Martinez and the Valhalla Fleet Yards community, Harry and Kiera decided to take a leap of faith. They knew there would be challenges ahead, with their respective duties and the responsibilities of raising Kiera's children. But they believed that love, dedication, and the shared passion for exploration would guide them through any obstacles they might face.

As they set off on their new assignments, Harry and Kiera were filled with hope and determination. They were ready to face the unknown together, knowing that their love would anchor them in the vastness of space. With Valhalla Fleet Yards as their starting point, they were eager to create a future that intertwined their personal and professional lives, forging a family united by their shared dreams and the adventure that awaited them among the stars.

USS Hangzhou

As Harry prepared to meet Kiera's children for the first time, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. He understood the significance of this moment, knowing that his presence in their lives could have a lasting impact. Wanting to make a good impression, he spent time reflecting on what it meant to be a father figure and how he could contribute positively to their lives.

Harry knew that building a relationship with Kiera's children would take time and understanding. He wanted to create a safe and welcoming environment where they could feel comfortable expressing themselves and forming a bond. He hoped to establish trust and become a source of support for them as they navigated their own paths.

At the same time, Harry was also eager to take on his new command aboard the USS Hangzhou. He looked forward to leading his senior staff and working together to accomplish their missions. As he embraced this new chapter in his career, he understood the importance of balancing his responsibilities as a captain and his role in Kiera's life.

With determination and a sense of purpose, Harry was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. He knew that his dedication to both his professional and personal life would require time management and open communication. But he believed that the rewards of building a loving family and fulfilling his duties as a Starfleet officer would far outweigh any difficulties.

As Harry stepped onto the USS Hangzhou, he carried with him a sense of excitement and optimism. He was ready to embrace the unknown, lead his crew with integrity, and create a space where everyone could thrive. With the support of Kiera and the love they shared, he felt confident in his ability to navigate the complexities of his new command and the role of a father figure.

Harry's journey was filled with both joy and challenges, but he faced them head-on with determination and a deep commitment to his family and his service in Starfleet. Through it all, he knew that the connections he had forged and the love he held in his heart would guide him on this incredible adventure.

Service Record 2405 to present
Commanding Officer, USS Hangzhou
Promoted to Captain

2404 - 2404
Command Academy

2400 - 2404
Executive Officer, USS Shanghai
Promoted to Commander

2397 - 2400
Second Officer & Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Juno

2394 - 2397
Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Livingstone
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander

2392 - 2394
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer, USS Archimedes
Promoted to Lieutenant

2389 - 2392
Security Officer, USS Vancouver
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade

2385 - 2389
Starfleet Academy, Tactical Operations Cadet