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06/07/2023 @ 7:10pm

Lieutenant JG Katrina Ford

Name Katrina Ford

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5 ft
Weight 110 Ibs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Katrina is a captivating humanoid female with an average-sized physique. Her small frame is accentuated by a crown of flaming red hair that adds a touch of vibrancy to her overall appearance. One cannot help but be drawn to her deep blue eyes, which possess a distinctiveness that sets her apart. Remarkably, Katrina bears no tattoos or scars, allowing her natural beauty to shine through. Her dedication to maintaining her physical well-being is evident, as she spends several nights a week at the gym. Engaging in a combination of invigorating cardio exercises, palates, and lightweight workouts, she ensures both strength and flexibility. Katrina takes immense pride in her looks, a testament to her commitment to self-care and personal aesthetics.


Spouse Single
Children N/A
Father N/A
Mother N/A
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family N/A

Personality & Traits

General Overview N/A
Strengths & Weaknesses N/A
Ambitions N/A
Hobbies & Interests N/A

Personal History Early Childhood:

Katrina's childhood was marked by the bittersweet reality of her parents' separation. Despite their divorce, her parents managed to maintain a strong bond and provide her with a loving and stable home. Growing up as the youngest of four children, she couldn't escape the lingering belief that her arrival had somehow contributed to the downfall of her parents' relationship. It was a burden she carried silently, often blaming herself for their unhappiness.

As Katrina navigated her school years in her father's hometown of Hillsboro, Oregon, she found solace in her studies. From a young age, she harbored a deep desire to serve in Starfleet, an organization dedicated to exploration and helping others. While her parents' love for her remained unwavering, she yearned for a fresh start, hoping that distance would allow them to heal the wounds of their failed marriage.

The allure of the stars and the boundless possibilities of the universe captivated Katrina's imagination. A pivotal moment came when she and her classmates were invited to visit the Starfleet Medical Research Institute in 2385. Witnessing the cutting-edge research and groundbreaking discoveries being made, Catrina’s passion for military strategic and combat operations as she attended the institute she learned that she had a love for the strategic operations field. A spark inside of her was ignited. At first she believed she wanted to become a scientist and a docto. However she later learned that she wanted to go into strategic operations. The timing of her trip was serendipitous, as Starfleet had recently recovered from a devastating attack by the Synth's, making Katrina even more determined to contribute to the organization's mission.

As she grew older, Katrina dedicated herself to her studies, immersing herself in the pursuit of knowledge and honing her skills. Her dream of joining Starfleet became her guiding light, pushing her to excel academically and mentally prepare herself for the challenges that lay ahead. Through perseverance and unwavering determination, she aimed to embark on a journey that would take her beyond the confines of Earth and into the vastness of the cosmos.

Katrina's childhood may have been overshadowed by her parents' separation, but it also fueled her ambition and shaped her into a resilient young woman. With her eyes set on the stars, she embarked on a path that would not only fulfill her own dreams but also provide her with an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others. As she prepared to forge her own destiny, she carried with her the memory of the Dominion attack, a reminder of the importance of Starfleet's mission and the need for dedicated individuals like herself to explore, discover, and protect.

Synth Attack of 2385

Once upon a time, in the year 2385, a young girl named Katrina lived on Earth. She was a bright and curious 6-year-old, always seeking new adventures and knowledge. Katrina had heard stories of life on other planets, particularly Mars, where humans and synthetics coexisted harmoniously.

However, everything changed when news of the devastating synth attack on Mars reached Earth. Katrina'sworld turned upside down. Fear and uncertainty gripped the planet, causing a ripple of anxiety in her heart. The attack shattered the peaceful image she had held of the galaxy.

As Katrina watched the news, she saw the chaos and destruction unfold. The images of panic-stricken people and the stories of loss affected her deeply. She couldn't help but wonder what had led to such a tragic event.

In the days that followed, Katrina noticed a shift in her surroundings. Security measures tightened, and conversations were filled with a newfound wariness towards synthetics. Katrina's innocent perspective began to crumble, and she started to question her own safety.

Her parents, recognizing her troubled state, tried to provide comfort and reassurance. They patiently answered her questions, explaining the complexities of the attack and the political aftermath. Katrina's parents encouraged her to focus on the strength of humanity and the resilience of the Martian community.

Determined not to succumb to fear, Katrina sought solace in her hobbies and the support of her friends. She immersed herself in books, art, and nature, finding moments of escape from the harsh reality around her. Katrina also found comfort in the acts of kindness she witnessed, as people came together to support one another during these challenging times.

Over time, Katrina's perspective began to shift. She realized that while the attack had caused pain and fear, it had also ignited a spark of unity and resilience in humanity. Inspired by the stories of bravery and compassion, she vowed to contribute in her own way.

Katrina started volunteering at local community centers, helping those affected by the attack. She used her creativity to bring joy to others, painting murals and organizing events that celebrated unity and diversity. Through her actions, Katrina discovered the power of empathy and compassion, realizing that even in the face of tragedy, there was always a glimmer of hope.

As the years passed, Katrina grew up to become a compassionate and determined young woman. The attack of 2385 had left an indelible mark on her, shaping her outlook on life and her commitment to making the galaxy a better place.

And so, Katrina's story became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, reminding us all that even in the darkest of times, there is always a flicker of light waiting to be kindled.

High School Days

Once upon a time, in the year 2394, a young girl named Katrina Was on the cusp of her 16th birthday. She had always been drawn to those in need, finding solace in helping others through her work at the community centers. It was there that she met Marshall Caelan Young, a troubled kid with a complex past. Despite his troubled nature, Katrina felt a connection to him, a sense of purpose in trying to help him.

As their friendship grew, Katrina Discovered that Marshall carried a heavy burden, a weight he couldn't seem to shake off. She became his confidante, listening to his innermost thoughts and struggles. Deep down, Katrina Believed that her caring nature could somehow make a difference in his life.

However, tragedy struck just a few days before Christmas. Devastatingly, Marshall took his own life, leaving Katrina Shattered and heartbroken. The pain of losing someone she had grown close to was unbearable. She had always heard stories of death and loss, but this was the first time she had to face it head-on.

Katrina retreated into herself, becoming a recluse for much of 2397. She built walls around her heart as a defense mechanism, adopting a sassy and sarcastic personality to keep people at arm's length. The pain of losing Marshall had made her wary of opening up to others, fearing the potential for more heartbreak.

But as time passed, Katrina began to realize that shutting herself off from the world was not the answer. She couldn't let her grief consume her entirely, for there were still people who needed her care and support. She remembered the strength she had found in helping others before, and she knew she had to find that strength again.

With determination, Katrina slowly emerged from her shell, allowing herself to be vulnerable once more. She channeled her pain into her work at the community centers, pouring her heart into making a difference in the lives of those who needed it most. She discovered that by helping others heal, she could also find healing within herself.

Katrina's sassy personality became a shield, but beneath it lay a compassionate soul, forever marked by the loss of Marshall. She used her pain as a driving force to bring awareness to mental health issues, advocating for support and understanding in her community. Through her advocacy, Katrina hoped to prevent others from experiencing the same devastating loss.

As the years passed, Katrina's resilience and determination grew stronger. She became a beacon of hope for those who had experienced loss and grief, using her own story as a means to inspire and uplift others. Katrina learned that even amidst the darkest moments, there was always a glimmer of light, a reason to keep pushing forward.

And so, Katrina's story became a testament to the power of compassion, resilience, and the strength found in helping others heal. She stood as a reminder that even in the face of unimaginable heartbreak, one can find the courage to rebuild and make a positive impact on the world.

Relationship with Ted

Once upon a time, in the year 2395, Katrina found herself intrigued by the charming Ted Rufus. As they embarked on their high school romance, Katrina couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. Her overthinking nature clashed with Ted's laid-back personality, yet their differences seemed to complement each other.

At the age of 16, Katrina was nearing the end of her high school journey, only a couple of years away from joining Starfleet Academy. However, Ted had made it clear that he had no desire to follow the path of Starfleet. They had discussed their future plans, and while Katrina was passionate about her dreams of serving in space, Ted was content with staying on Earth.

Katrina carried the weight of a painful experience with her. She had lost a dear friend to suicide, someone she deeply cared for, but had never been in a romantic relationship with. The tragedy had left an indelible scar on her heart, causing her to retreat into a protective shell. However, after some time, she began to heal and decided to give love another chance.

Despite her newfound willingness to open up, Katrina couldn't help but wonder if Ted would hurt her in the same way she had been hurt before. It was a risk she knew she needed to take, for life is full of uncertainties, and love often requires vulnerability. So, against her inner doubts, Katrina decided to give Ted a chance.

As their relationship blossomed, Katrina discovered that Ted had a genuine heart and an unwavering devotion to her. He understood her pain and insecurities, and he was determined to be a source of love and support. Ted's presence in her life helped Katrina find solace and strength, gradually healing the wounds of the past.

Together, Katrina and Ted navigated the challenges that life threw at them. They learned how to compromise, grow, and celebrate each other's individual dreams. Katrina pursued her aspirations in Starfleet, while Ted followed his passion for art and became a successful painter.

In the end, their love story stood as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of second chances. Katrina's journey from pain to healing and her willingness to trust again proved that love, when nurtured with care and understanding, can overcome even the deepest scars. And as they stood side by side, Katrina and Ted knew that their love would continue to thrive, fueled by their shared experiences and the profound connection they had forged.

Once upon a time, in the year 2397, a young woman named Katrina found herself caught in the excitement of a new romance with Ted Rufus. As they embarked on their journey together, Katrina's heart was filled with anticipation and hope. However, as time went on, reality began to cast its shadow over their relationship.

Katrina, at the age of 17, was on the cusp of graduating high school and fulfilling her lifelong dream of joining Starfleet Academy. She had spoken with Ted about her aspirations, only to discover that he had no desire to follow the path of Starfleet. This realization created a rift between them, as their dreams and goals seemed to diverge.

In the late spring of 2392, just before prom, Ted made the difficult decision to end their relationship. The timing couldn't have been worse for Katrina, as she had planned to share a special moment with him that night. The sudden breakup left her feeling embarrassed and humiliated, triggering painful memories of a previous loss with someone named Marshall. Doubts crept into her mind, wondering if she was destined to be alone or if happiness would forever elude her.

Despite the emotional scars, Katrina found solace in the pursuit of her dreams. In June 2392, she graduated from high school and bid farewell to her family and friends, ready to embark on her journey at Starfleet Academy. The excitement of the new chapter in her life overshadowed the lingering heartache.

On the night before her departure, Ted, filled with regret, sought to have a conversation with Katrina. However, she had made up her mind to leave her past behind and focus on her future. It was a decision she would come to regret, as she never found out what Ted wanted to say.

As Katrina stepped into the halls of Starfleet Academy, she was greeted by a world of endless possibilities. The challenges she faced, the friendships she formed, and the knowledge she gained allowed her to grow into a resilient and determined individual. The pain of past heartbreak began to fade, replaced by a newfound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

In the vast reaches of space, Katrina discovered her true calling. She excelled in her studies, honed her skills, and found a sense of belonging among her fellow cadets. The scars of her past no longer defined her, but instead became a reminder of her strength and resilience.

As the years passed, Katrina became a respected member of Starfleet. Her dedication and passion for exploration led her on incredible adventures, and she found fulfillment in her chosen path. Love found its way back into her life, not as a distraction from her dreams, but as a partner who shared her passions and supported her ambitions.

Katrina's journey from heartbreak to triumph taught her invaluable lessons about resilience, determination, and the importance of staying true to oneself. And as she looked back on the road she had traveled, she realized that the pain and regrets of the past had shaped her into the person she had become—a Starfleet officer, a survivor, and above all, a woman who refused to let her past define her future.

Starfleet Academy:

Once upon a time, in the vast reaches of space, there lived a determined and ambitious young woman named Katrina. She had always dreamt of becoming the best scientist she could possibly be, and her journey began at the prestigious Starfleet Academy.

The first two years at the academy were filled with endless studying and countless tests. While her fellow cadets would often take breaks and enjoy their liberty pass on the weekends, Katrina saw the opportunity to utilize those precious moments for further studying. She knew that becoming an exceptional scientist required dedication and perseverance.

However, it wasn't just her academic pursuits that consumed Katrina's thoughts. She had spent the better part of 2397 and 2401 trying to get over a past relationship with a man named Ted Rufus. It wasn't until the Fall of 2397 that she crossed paths with Tyrone Harris Hines, a charismatic and kind-hearted individual. As they began dating in the Winter of that year, Katrinafound solace and a sense of relaxation in their blossoming relationship. Surprisingly, her improved emotional state also reflected positively in her academic performance.

In the Fall of 2398, Katrina decided to step out of her comfort zone and ran for the position of Student Body Secretary. To her delight, she won the role, while her boyfriend Tyrone took on the role of president. Though Katrina initially found the responsibilities time-consuming, she realized the value of being involved in the student body government. Taking diligent notes during the meetings, she gained insight into the inner workings of leadership, which proved to be an invaluable experience during her senior year at the academy.

The following summer, Katrina embarked on her first assignment as a science residency cadet on the USS Cassiopeia. She served as a science officer until October 25, 2395. Despite the distance, she managed to maintain her relationship with Tyrone, who was assigned to the USS Aries. However, as both Tyrone and Katrinagraduated in 2396, they faced the challenge of getting their assignments transferred to be together. Unfortunately, their endeavors proved to be unsuccessful.

Katrina found herself torn between the desire to keep their relationship intact and the fear of being devastated once again, as she had experienced with Ted and Marshall in the past. In a moment of itself-protection, she made the difficult decision to end things with Tyrone, using her sassy personality as a shield. She believed it was better to end it on her terms rather than risk further heartbreak.

Now, as a cadet specializing in stellar photography, Katrina continues to pursue her passion in Starfleet Academy. She remains driven and determined, keeping her barriers up as she focuses on her studies and the vast wonders of the universe that await her.

USS Cassiopeia

Katrina felt trapped in a slow hell aboard the USS Cassiopeia. Despite being part of Starfleet and living her dream, she couldn't escape the misery that haunted her personal life. Each relationship she embarked on seemed to end in disaster, leaving her emotionally scarred.

Unable to bear the pain any longer, Katrina made the difficult decision to refrain from dating anyone on the ship. She needed time to heal and find herself again. In her quarters, she kept a collection of pictures, each representing a lost love. Tears would stream down her face as she mourned not only the partners she had lost, but also a dear friend who tragically took his own life. The wounds were deep, making it hard for her to find joy even during the Christmas season.

One evening, seeking solace, Katrina found herself at the bar on the Cassiopeia. She couldn't help but notice the men around her, potential romantic interests. However, the memories of her past relationships flooded her mind, preventing her from pursuing anything further. Her heart ached when she unexpectedly ran into Tyrone on Starbase 124 during her shore leave. Seeing him with someone new devastated her even more, knowing that she had initiated the breakup out of fear of getting hurt.

Katrina longed to tell Tyrone that she still loved him, to run into his arms and start anew. But she knew it wouldn't be fair to him. He had moved on, and she had to do the same. That night, seeking solace and seeking a fresh perspective, she attended a religious service. The serenity and peace she found there began to soothe her troubled soul. She realized that the love she had lost was now in the hands of another, and it was time for her to let go and move forward.

Done with the endless cycle of sitting and wondering, Katrina knew she needed stability and a place to call home. Determined to find it, she applied for a transfer and was eventually assigned to Valhalla Fleet Yards. Although her time on the USS Cassiopeia had been filled with heartache, it had also served as a catalyst for change.

This catalyst happened when she ran into Tyrone on Starbase 124 and she saw him with a new lady. She felt this was the validation she needed in order to move on, and stop living in the past. She did not actually talk to him on the promenade. But they made eye contact, as her eyes teared up, but they were tears of joy. They basically told the other it would be okay, and she could move on.

With a mixture of excitement and trepidation, Katrina arrived at her new post. Valhalla Fleet Yards offered her the fresh start she craved. The stability and happiness she sought seemed within reach, providing her with the opportunity to find love and truly live again. As she settled into her new surroundings, Katrina embraced the hope that Valhalla Fleet Yards would be the place where her journey towards healing and finding lasting love would finally begin.

Valhalla Fleet Yards:

Katrina's journey had been filled with heartbreak and sorrow, but she refused to let it define her. Determined to find happiness, she made a bold decision to seek stability and a fresh start. Transferring to Valhalla Fleet Yards, she hoped that a new home would bring the solace and love she longed for.

As she settled into her new surroundings, Katrina immersed herself in her work, finding comfort in the familiar routines and camaraderie of her fellow Starfleet officers. The busy days at the fleet yards kept her mind occupied, allowing her to gradually heal from the wounds of her past relationships.

But it wasn't just work that brought Katrina joy. Valhalla Fleet Yards turned out to be more than just a place to call home; it became a community where she discovered new friends and potential companions. The vibrant atmosphere and shared passions of her colleagues gave her hope that love could blossom once again.

One sunny afternoon, as she was exploring the fleet yards, Katrina stumbled upon a quaint little café nestled in a corner of the base. Intrigued, she stepped inside and found herself greeted by the warm smiles of the staff. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the cozy ambiance enveloped her, making her feel instantly at ease.

It was there that she met Adrian, a talented and kind-hearted engineer who shared her love for astrophysics and the mysteries of the universe. Their conversations flowed effortlessly, and Katrina felt a spark of connection she hadn't experienced in a long time. As they spent more time together, their friendship deepened, and Katrina began to believe that she had finally found someone who could make her heart feel whole once again.

With each passing day, the pain of her past slowly faded into the background, replaced by the hope and excitement of a future filled with love and happiness. Katrina realized that the key to moving on was not just in finding a stable place, but also in opening her heart to new possibilities.

As Katrina and Grayson's relationship blossomed, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the journey that had led her to Valhalla Fleet Yards. The scars of her past relationships had shaped her into a stronger, more resilient person, ready to embrace the love and joy that awaited her.

In the end, Katrina's decision to seek a new home and a fresh start had not only brought stability to her life, but also the promise of a love story yet to unfold. And as she gazed at the stars from her new home, she knew that her slow hell had transformed into a beautiful journey of growth, healing, and ultimately, finding true happiness.
Service Record N/A