Lt. Commander Jacob Sandler

Name Jacob Sandler

Rank Lt. Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species human
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2
Weight 175
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color blue
Physical Description
Jake possesses an undeniable allure, thanks to his striking blue eyes that possess an almost magnetic quality. His eyes seem to draw people in, captivating them with their depth and intensity. He has the kind of eyes that leave a lasting impression and make it difficult to look away.

His short, dark brown hair adds to his overall appeal, perfectly complementing his features. It frames his face in a way that accentuates his best qualities, creating a captivating and harmonious look. There is a certain effortless charm in his hairstyle, as if he effortlessly manage to look stylish and put together without much effort.

When it comes to physical stature, his character stands tall at an impressive height of around 6'2". Jake’s commanding presence is hard to ignore, and he effortlessly fill any room he enter with an air of confidence. His height not only makes him stand out in a crowd but also adds to the impression of strength and authority he exude.

With a weight of 175 pounds, Jake’s physique suggests a balanced mix of strength and agility. He possesses a toned and well-proportioned body, indicating that he is physically fit and capable. Jake’s physique hints at a level of discipline and dedication to maintaining his physical well-being.

Overall, Jake’s physical description paints a picture of someone who possesses both natural attractiveness and a strong presence. His striking blue eyes, short dark brown hair, impressive height, and well-maintained physique all contribute to an image of a captivating individual who effortlessly grabs attention wherever he goes.


Spouse dating: Lauren Elliot
Children Everly 9
Father Mark
Mother Sarah
Brother(s) Ethan
Sister(s) Lily
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jake Sanders is a highly skilled and experienced 37-year-old first officer on the statship USS Tianjin. With a specialization in engineering, he has developed a deep attachment to the ship's engines, affectionately referring to them as "she." Alongside his engineering expertise, Jake also has a background in operations, making him a valuable asset in managing various ship functions.

When he's not on duty, Jake enjoys engaging in various hobbies and activities. He finds solace in building model kits, which allows him to exercise his creativity and attention to detail. Additionally, he has a penchant for watching movies, particularly scary ones that provide an adrenaline rush.

Jake has a lively social life and loves to attend parties where he can let loose and showcase his passion for dancing. He believes that dancing is not only a great way to have fun but also an excellent form of exercise. In fact, he can often be seen running laps in the engineering section, not only to maintain his physical fitness but also to stimulate his mind while problem-solving.

In terms of personal relationships, Jake is currently single after recently ending a turbulent relationship. However, he remains focused on his responsibilities as the first officer on the USS Tianjin. He is actively involved in various projects aimed at improving crew relations, ensuring a harmonious and efficient working environment for everyone on board.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

1. Exceptional problem-solving skills: Jake Sanders possesses a keen analytical mind and is adept at finding creative solutions to complex problems. His ability to think outside the box allows him to tackle challenges effectively.

2. Strong leadership qualities: Jake has natural leadership abilities and is able to inspire and motivate others. He leads by example and fosters a positive and cohesive team dynamic.

3. Excellent communication skills: Jake excels at both written and verbal communication. He can convey ideas and information clearly and effectively, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards common goals.

4. Quick decision-making: Jake is known for making sound and decisive decisions even under pressure. He can assess situations swiftly, weigh the pros and cons, and take decisive action.

5. Adaptability: Jake is adaptable and thrives in dynamic and ever-changing environments. He can easily adjust his plans and strategies to accommodate unexpected circumstances.


1. Impatience: Jake's strong drive to achieve results can sometimes make him impatient. He may become frustrated if progress is slower than anticipated, which could potentially hinder collaboration and teamwork.

2. Perfectionism: Jake has a tendency to hold himself and others to high standards, which can sometimes lead to excessive attention to detail and a reluctance to delegate tasks. This may result in increased workload and potential burnout.

3. Reluctance to ask for help: Jake is self-reliant and may be hesitant to ask for assistance or delegate tasks, which can lead to unnecessary stress and potential limitations in utilizing the skills and expertise of others.

4. Limited risk-taking: Jake's cautious nature can occasionally make him risk-averse. While this ensures a measured approach, it may also prevent him from exploring innovative or unconventional solutions.

5. Difficulty with work-life balance: Jake's strong dedication to his work can sometimes make it challenging for him to maintain a healthy work-life balance. He may need reminders to prioritize self-care and personal relationships to avoid burnout.

Overall, Jake’s strengths and weaknesses provide a well-rounded perspective, showcasing his abilities in problem-solving and leadership, communication, adaptability, while also highlighting potential areas for growth and improvement.
Ambitions 1. Command a starship: As a first officer, the ambition to eventually command their own starship is a common goal. They can work towards gaining the necessary experience, skills, and leadership qualities to take on this responsibility.

2. Improve diplomatic skills: First officers often serve as the primary liaison with other species and civilizations. Ambitions can include honing their diplomacy skills, learning new languages, and becoming adept at resolving conflicts peacefully.

3. Enhance tactical expertise: First officers are responsible for tactical operations and ensuring the ship's security. Ambitions may include further training in combat techniques, mastering advanced weaponry, and staying updated on the latest defensive strategies.

4. Foster a cohesive crew: A first officer can aspire to create a harmonious and efficient crew environment. This ambition can involve developing team-building skills, promoting open communication, and nurturing a sense of camaraderie among the crewmembers.

5. Contribute to scientific discoveries: First officers often participate in scientific missions and exploration. Ambitions can include actively engaging in research, collaborating with scientists, and making significant contributions to the advancement of knowledge.

6. Develop leadership abilities: Ambitions for a first officer may involve continuously improving their leadership skills, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and motivating their crew during challenging situations.

7. Advocate for crew well-being: A first officer can aspire to prioritize the physical and mental well-being of the crew. This ambition can include implementing wellness programs, providing counseling resources, and creating a supportive environment.
Hobbies & Interests Here's a list of Jake's hobbies and interests along with short descriptions:

1. Building models: Jake enjoys constructing intricate models, showcasing his craftsmanship and attention to detail.

2. Sports: Jake actively participates in various sports, which not only helps him stay fit and healthy but also allows him to engage in teamwork, competition, and the thrill of the game.

3. Camping: Jake loves spending time in the great outdoors, setting up camp, and immersing himself in nature's beauty. It provides him with a sense of adventure and an opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

That's great to hear! Here are Jake's additional hobbies and interests with short descriptions:

4. Reading: Jake finds joy in diving into the realms of books, exploring different genres, and expanding his knowledge and imagination.

5. Parties: Jake enjoys socializing and celebrating with friends and family at parties, where he can unwind, have fun, and create lasting memories.

6. Board games: Jake loves engaging in strategic board games that challenge his thinking, foster friendly competition, and create opportunities for bonding with others.

These hobbies and interests offer Jake a well-rounded range of experiences, from creative pursuits to physical activities, socializing, and intellectual stimulation.

Personal History Childhood:

Jake Sanders had a rich and eventful childhood growing up on a colony. It was small as colonies go for the first half of his life. The more it developed, the more families came. For Jake, his closest friends growing up her were Ethan and Lily, but it was Lily he could tell anything to. They were very close and would spend many summer days talking and sharing their hopes for the future.

He was born into a loving and supportive family, where his parents played an integral role in shaping his character and values. His parents, Mark and Sarah, were both hardworking individuals who believed in the importance of education, exploration, and community. It was their push to constantly feed these areas that caused Jake to become a workaholic.

As the oldest of three siblings, Jake had a responsibility to set a good example for his younger brother, Ethan, and his younger sister, Lily. Despite the occasional sibling squabbles, the three of them shared a deep bond and spent countless hours playing and exploring the vast landscapes of the colony. From climbing trees and building forts to catching fireflies on warm summer nights, their childhood was filled with adventures and laughter.

Though Jake’s parents put a lot of emphasis on their education and helping pull their weight as a member of society on the colony there were no real lessons on home life. His parents were unorganized, meals were at haphazard times. Jake did well in school so he managed to get by without any real skills for studying.

Growing up on the colony provided unique opportunities for Jake to learn about nature and the environment. His parents would often take the family on hiking trips, teaching them about the local flora and fauna. Jake developed a deep appreciation for the natural world, and this love for nature would stay with him throughout his life.

Education was highly valued in Jake's household, and his parents encouraged him to pursue his academic interests.

They would spend evenings reading books together, discussing scientific concepts, or engaging in thought-provoking conversations about the universe.

Jake's parents nurtured his curiosity and encouraged him to explore various subjects, fostering a love for learning and critical thinking.

Jake had no real friends outside his sibling’s. Most of the children were either a lot older or younger than Jake. He considered his sister Lily to be the closest to him.

During his teenage years, Jake met Emily, a kind-hearted and adventurous girl who would eventually become his girlfriend.

They shared a passion for exploring and discovering new things, and their relationship blossomed as they navigated the challenges and joys of adolescence together.

From attending school events to going on hikes and exploring the colony's hidden gems, Jake and Emily created countless memories that would last a lifetime.

Emily and Jake had shared an incredible bond since their high school days on the close-knit colony they called home. They had grown up together, experiencing life's ups and downs side by side. However, as they approached adulthood, they began to realize that their dreams and aspirations were starting to diverge. Emily had always envisioned a future within the colony, embracing the stability and familiarity of their community. On the other hand, Jake yearned for something more, his adventurous spirit pushing him to explore the world outside the colony's boundaries. With heavy hearts, they knew they had to let each other go.

One evening, Emily and Jake sat down under the stars, their hearts heavy with the weight of their decision. They spoke honestly and openly about their hopes and desires, recognizing that their paths were leading them in different directions. The realization that their love might hinder their personal growth and fulfillment became painfully clear. With bittersweet tears and a deep sense of love for one another, they made the heartbreaking choice to end their relationship, knowing it was the right decision for both of them.

In the aftermath of their breakup, Emily and Jake found solace in the support of their friends and the comforting familiarity of their colony. They threw themselves into their individual pursuits, rediscovering their own passions and aspirations. While the pain of their separation lingered, they remained grateful for the memories they had shared and the lessons they had learned from each other. Emily and Jake's breakup became a catalyst for personal growth and self-discovery, reminding them that sometimes, love means letting go in order to find true happiness and fulfillment.

As Jake approached his high school graduation, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nostalgia.

He had spent his entire childhood on the colony, surrounded by a tight-knit community that had become like a second family.

Alongside his family, Jake had grown into a compassionate, curious, and resilient individual, ready to face the next chapter of his life.

Graduation day arrived, and amidst the cheers and emotions, Jake stood proud, reflecting on the incredible journey he had taken.

With his family and loved ones by his side, he bid farewell to his childhood home, knowing that he was well-prepared to embrace the challenges and adventures that lay ahead.

The memories and lessons from his childhood on the colony would forever shape his perspective and guide him as he ventured into the wider world.

Starfleet Academy: 2386 - 2390

Jake had always lived a carefree life, growing up in a laid-back home where strict organization was never a priority. He was content with the idea that "close was good enough" for most things. But little did he know, his four years at Starleet Academy would completely change his perspective.

Walking off the shuttle in San Francisco was a stark contrast to the colony he had grown up on. They were developing and more people had arrived rheir but it was tiny in comparison to where he was now. Jake felt a but overwhelmed and for a few minutes wondered if this was a mistake. But he knew that he had to do this, not just for himself but his Ethan and Lily, who also had dreams of exploration.

As Jake stepped onto the grand campus of Starfleet, he was surrounded by a bustling atmosphere filled with ambitious cadets driven by excellence. It was a stark contrast to the comfort of his unorganized upbringing. However, Jake quickly realized that if he wanted to succeed in his chosen field of operations and engineering, he needed to adapt.

In his freshman year, Jake struggled to keep up with the rigorous demands of his courses. His laid-back attitude caused him to miss important deadlines and his lack of organization resulted in scattered notes and misplaced assignments. Frustration began to set in as he saw his grades suffer.

Feeling overwhelmed and determined to turn things around, Jake sought guidance from his roommate and close friend, Austin Masterson, They shared stories of their own struggles and offered valuable advice on how to become more disciplined and organized. Inspired by their success stories, Jake decided it was time for a change.

He started by setting up a study space in his dorm room, complete with color-coded folders, labeled shelves, and a meticulously arranged desk. This newfound sense of order created a calm and focused environment that allowed him to concentrate on his studies.

Jake also developed a daily routine that included specific study times and breaks. He realized that time management was crucial in balancing his academic workload with his social life. Rather than leaving assignments until the last minute, he started planning ahead, breaking them down into manageable tasks, and setting deadlines for each step. It helped that Austin was going into operations and they studied together.

To further refine his organizational skills, Jake sought out online resources and attended time management workshops offered by the academy. He learned techniques for prioritizing tasks, creating to-do lists, and utilizing digital tools to stay on top of his assignments. Gradually, he became more efficient and effective in managing his time.

As Jake's discipline and organization improved, so did his academic performance. He began submitting assignments ahead of schedule and his professors noticed a significant improvement in the quality of his work. The more organized he became, the more he realized the benefits of striving for perfection rather than settling for "close enough."

At the beginning of his junior year, Jake met Maribeth. Jake’s relstionship with her was one of contrasts and clashes. While Jake was working towards being a serious and dedicated starfleet cadet, Maribeth lived for the thrill of partying and adventure. Their differences brought them together initially.

At first, Jake loved going to parties, who doesn’t want to relax and have a good time without all the stress of studying and keeping a schedule. Jake would take Maribeth to the beach to play volleyball, sit at a bonfire with their cadets.

Jake fell head over heels for Maribeth, captivated by her carefree spirit and boundless energy. But as time went on, Jake started to see his grades were slipping. He didn’t blame her but he knew he had to break from the party mentality

In reality, Jake had a fear of reverting to his old self and so he went in the other direction. Jake started spending his evenings studying and pushing to get back where he wanted them to be. Maribeth thought that they could meet in the middle but there really wasn’t. Where Jake was all about his homework and studying and Maribeth wanted to go out most nights if the week. It was a compromise they couldn’t make.

One night, Maribeth wanted Jake to go to a party with her and he wanted to study for an exam. Words were thrown both ways, accusations made and Jake realized what he needed to do so that they could walk away with a horrible breakup.

He sat down with Maribeth and quietly told her he felt they should breakup. That they didn’t want the same things out of life, their conflicting priorities and lifestyles. Jake told her he loved her but it wasn’t enough and that he wished her well.9

In the end, Maribeth accused Jake of being too much of a perfectionist. Jake conceded she was right. In the end, with their hmmm neither willing to change rheir love, once strong, crumbled under the weight of their individual desires and aspirations. Though their time together had come to an end, they would forever carry the memories of their passionate but tumultuous journey.

In his upperclassman years, Jake found himself excelling in his operations and engineering courses as he moved on from the breakup with Maribeth. His dedication to perfectionism and his newfound organizational skills allowed him to tackle complex projects with ease.

Graduation day arrived, and Jake proudly stood beside Austin as their family and friends were there in attendance. He had not only achieved academic success but had also transformed into a meticulous perfectionist, ready to conquer the challenges that lay ahead. His journey at Starleet Academy had taught him the power of discipline, organization, and the importance of striving for excellence.

As Jake stepped off the stage, his degree in hand, he knew that his transformation was not just limited to his academic life. The lessons he had learned would serve him well in his future endeavors. With a newfound sense of purpose and a drive for perfection, Jake was ready to make his mark on the galaxy.

USS Titan: 2390 - 2392

Once upon a time in the year 2390, Jake Sanders found himself assigned to the prestigious starship USS Titan as an ensign in the engineering department. Fresh out of Starfleet Academy, Jake was excited and eager to embark on his first deep space mission. As the ship set off on its journey, little did Jake know that the next three years would be filled with extraordinary challenges, personal growth, and unexpected achievements.

Jake quickly proved himself to be a dedicated and talented engineer. His ability to think on his feet and come up with innovative solutions to complex problems impressed his superiors. Time and again, Jake's technical skills and resourcefulness played a crucial role in ensuring the ship's smooth operation.

During their first year in deep space, the USS Titan received a distress signal from a nearby planet. A group of colonists had been stranded due to a catastrophic failure in their planetary defense system. As one of the ship's engineer, it was Jake's responsibility to worth with the repair team and restore the defense system to full functionality.

The mission was far from easy. the chief engineer, Jake and others faced numerous obstacles, including malfunctioning equipment, limited resources, and a ticking clock. In midst of all of this, the chief engineer chose Jake to assist him in devising a plan that involved repurposing spare parts from the ship to fix the defense system.

As they worked tirelessly, Jake's assisting in problem-solving shone through. His calm demeanor and ability to follow the chief’s orders in the face of adversity earned him the respect and admiration of his chief. His dedication paid off when they successfully repaired the defense system, saving the stranded colonists from imminent danger.

Over the next year, Jake continued to excel in his role as an engineer. Alongside his duties, he also took part in various scientific research projects and collaborated with different departments. His versatility and willingness to learn allowed him to expand his knowledge and contribute to the ship's overall mission.

As his time on the USS Titan drew to a close, Jake looked back on his two years with a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had shown that he was a capable engineer and proved his worth to the command staff.

Jake's journey on the USS Titan had given him skills that he couldn’t learn in a classroom at the academy. Having just been promoted in rank to Lieutenant Junior Grade and the experience he had gained under his Chief Engineer, he eagerly awaited his next assignment, ready to face new challenges and continue his adventures in Starfleet.

USS Horizon: 2392 - 2395

Jake found himself transferred to the USS Horizon as a newly promoted Lieutenant Junior Grade. With his sharp mind and skillful hands, he was a natural fit for the role of an engineer.

From the moment he stepped foot on the ship, Jake immersed himself in his duties, eager to prove his worth. The USS Horizon, a formidable starship, was known for its challenging missions, and Jake was determined to excel. He approached each assignment with dedication, following orders diligently and showcasing his technical expertise.

As time went on, Jake's reputation as a reliable and competent officer grew. His quick decision-making abilities and resourcefulness were put to the test on countless missions. Whether it was repairing critical systems during a tense battle or troubleshooting complex engineering problems, Jake consistently rose to the occasion, impressing his superiors and earning the trust of his peers.

However, it was during one particular mission that Jake's true leadership qualities shone through. He found himself paired with the assistant chief, a seasoned officer who had seen it all. Together, they embarked on a delicate operation that had the potential to change the course of their mission.

But fate had other plans. In the midst of their 2kassignment, disaster struck, and the assistant chief sustained a serious injury, leaving Jake in charge. The weight of responsibility fell squarely on his shoulders, and for a moment, doubt crept into his mind. But Jake quickly shook off the uncertainty and stepped up to the challenge.

With unwavering resolve, Jake assumed command, rallying the crew and directing them with a calm and level-headed demeanor. Drawing from his extensive training and experience, he made crucial decisions that led to the successful completion of the mission. His crewmates marveled at his ability to adapt under pressure and his knack for bringing out the best in everyone, even in the face of adversity.

When they returned to the USS Horizon, Jake's actions did not go unnoticed. The captain commended his exceptional performance and recommended him for promotion. And so, with great pride, Jake was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

Chief Mitchell, a respected officer and mentor, took Jake aside to offer some advice. He told him to make time for himself and balance work and a social life as well as to ask for help. The chief felt it was a pride thing and he explained that the best officers seek the wisdom of their superiors.

Jake took Chief Mitchell's words to heart. He realized that while his dedication to his work was commendable, he needed to find a way to ease his workload and make time for himself.

Jake took his words to heart but he struggled on how to start having a personal life. Since coming to the academy he had been all about the work.

Even harder was asking for help. Jake saw it as a flaw, that he couldn’t do his job without assistance. He knew he needed to get past it moving forward.

As Jake's time on the USS Horizon drew to a close, he looked back on his journey with gratitude. He had grown as an engineer and with the advice from Chief Mitchell he would make this a fresh start.

With a heart filled with determination and a mind brimming with newfound wisdom, Jake bid farewell to the USS Horizon, ready to embark on his next adventure. He carried with him the lessons learned, knowing that his experiences on the ship had shaped him into an even better officer.

USS Centauri: 2395 - 2398

Jake found himself transferred to the USS Centauri as a newly promoted Lieutenant. After his time on the USS Titan, Jake had learned the importance of finding a balance between work and personal life. He was determined to apply this newfound wisdom on his new ship.

On the Centauri he joined a book club, something he enjoyed doing and also there was a Skipbo group that met. He used to play that back home with the family. It was the beginning of his breaking out of his shell and becoming more of a member of the crew and less of a loner.

In 2395, Jake dated Celine Parks. He said one look in her expressive green eyes and he had fallen in love. It was late in 2395 when they discovered they were having a baby. Jake was already in love with Celine, they married a few weeks later.

Jake made a conscious effort to prioritize his well-being. He set boundaries, ensuring that he didn't overwork himself. However, old habits die hard, and he still found himself working longer hours than necessary. He realized he was a work in progress but he was doing better than before. He knew when the baby was born he was going to have to change.

The assistant chief shared his own experiences and offered valuable insights. He encouraged Jake to trust the engineers beside him, emphasizing the importance of trusting his team and being home for his family.

It was this friendship with Assistant Chief Graves that he gained courage to ask questions. Jake would often sit over coffee with him talking about the road to command. Six months of serving there and Jake was promoted to assistant chief engineering as his friend gained the chief position.

In 2396, Everly Sanders was born. Jake would never forget the birth of his daughter, it brought such emotions out of him he didn’t know he was capable of.

With this new role came additional responsibilities. Jake took charge of leading missions, coordinating with other departments, and overseeing the engineering team. He embraced these challenges, using his experience and knowledge to guide his team effectively. And every da, when it came time to go home, he hurried to spend time with his family.

Under Jake's leadership, the engineers thrived. He fostered a collaborative and supportive work environment, encouraging creativity and innovation. Jake's ability to balance the workload and his team's well-being earned him the respect and admiration of his colleagues.

After three years on the USS Centauri, Jake received news of his transfer to the USS Elysium. It was a bittersweet moment, as he had grown fond of the Centauri and the close-knit community he had built there. However, he knew that new adventures awaited him on the Elysium.

It was a great relief to discover that his family would be going with him. Celine wanted to be a stay at home mother and had taken a leave of absence. They were granted family quarters on the USS Elysium.

As Jake bid farewell to his colleagues on the Centauri, he carried with him the lessons learned and the memories cherished. He knew that his experiences as an assistant chief had shaped him into a stronger leader and a more balanced individual. Little Everly and Celine had taught him to love and that friendships were important.

With a mix of excitement and anticipation, Jake embarked on his new journey aboard the USS Elysium. He was determined to continue honing his leadership skills, fostering a harmonious work environment, and finding that delicate balance between work and personal life.

USS Elysium: 2398 - 2401

In the year 2398, Jake embarked on a new chapter of his career as he transferred to the USS Elysium. There, he was assigned to serve as the assistant chief under Chief Morley. Jake quickly realized that his new superior recognized his potential and was determined to help him grow both professionally and personally.

Under the guidance of Chief Morley, Jake's skills were honed to perfection. The chief saw in him a natural leader and placed a multitude of responsibilities on his shoulders. Jake was entrusted with important tasks and sent on challenging missions to prove his worth.

During one particularly critical mission, Jake displayed exceptional leadership and problem-solving abilities. His success was undeniable, leaving no doubt in anyone's mind that he was destined for a higher position. His dedication and competence shone through, cementing his reputation within the crew.

After two years of dedicated service, an opportunity arose for Jake to step up as the chief. Chief Morley received a well-deserved promotion, leaving a vacant position for Jake to fill. The crew had witnessed his exceptional performance and unanimously supported his promotion.

As Jake assumed the role of chief, he felt a newfound sense of responsibility. He embraced the challenges that came with the position and took it upon itself himself to lead with integrity and efficiency. With his natural aptitude for command, he orchestrated the ship's operations flawlessly, earning the respect and trust of his fellow crew members.

By now; with Everly three years old, Celine had gone back to work. They balanced their schedules so that they wouldn’t have to put her in daycare. On their days off they spent time together as a family. Life was good.

As time went on, Jake began to open up more to his fellow officers and command. He expressed his aspiration to eventually move into higher levels of command. His dedication and ambition were recognized, and command took note of his long-term goals.

Jake's intention to pursue command roles further down the line was met with appreciation and support. Command recognized his potential and encouraged him to continue honing his skills and acquiring the necessary experience. They assured him that his dedication would not go unnoticed and that opportunities would present themselves when the time was right.

In 2400, Celine was sent on an away team for a routine mission. For reasons unknown, Celine had wandered away from the team and walked to the edge of a cliff. The ground was unstable and she fell to her death.

Jake was devastated. At first he didn’t know what to do. He was offered a leave of absence to take Celine home to be buried and Jake took the time. It gave him the time to mourn her. Both his parents and Celine’s tried to talk him out of staying in Starfleet but Jake knew that was what Celine would want.

With renewed determination, Jake continued to serve on the USS Elysium with unwavering commitment. He sought out opportunities to expand his knowledge and experience, always striving to better himself as a leader. His journey towards command was a gradual one, but he knew that with perseverance and hard work, his goal was within reach.

Juggling his position as Chief Engineer and being a parent wasn’t easy, but Jake found a way through trial and error. In 2401, he was transferred to the USS Serenity.

USS Serenity: 2401 - 2404

In the year 2401, Jake and his bright-eyed five-year-old daughter, Everly, found themselves settling onto the USS Serenity.

Jake had been assigned as the ship's Chief Engineer and Second Officer, and his heart swelled with excitement. This was the beginning of his journey towards achieving his dream of commanding his own ship someday.

As time went by, Jake forged strong friendships on the ship, and one person who became particularly close to him was Delilah Fields, the Chief Operations officer.

They shared a deep bond and spent many hours discussing their dreams and aspirations. Delilah soon became an integral part of their lives and a trusted friend.

However, as the years passed and Everly grew older, Jake began to notice a concerning pattern.

Delilah seemed to have an unhealthy attachment to Everly. While she showered Everly with attention and affection, there was something unsettling about her behavior that Jake couldn't ignore.

Just as Jake was grappling with how to handle the situation, Captain Reynolds, a wise and perceptive leader, called him into his office for a private conversation.

Captain Reynolds had also noticed Delilah's increasingly possessive behavior and understood Jake's concerns. Sensing the need for a change, the captain proposed a solution that would benefit both Jake and Everly.

The captain informed Jake about an opportunity to attend the prestigious XO Academy on Planet Rosa.

This year-long program would not only enhance Jake's leadership skills but also provide a fresh start for him and Everly.

Once his training was complete, he would be assigned to a ship out of the renowned Valhalla Fleet Yards.

Recognizing this as a chance to create distance from Delilah and embark on new adventures, Jake accepted the captain's offer.

With a mix of excitement and relief, he packed up their belongings, ensuring Everly's favorite toys were safely stowed away, and they set off towards a future filled with possibilities.

Word of their impending departure spread quickly, and as expected, Delilah's reaction was intense.

She confronted Jake, causing a scene and accusing him of taking Everly away from her. In that moment, Jake realized that his decision to distance himself and Everly from Delilah was the right one. He understood that her attachment had become unhealthy and it was necessary to protect his daughter.

With a heavy heart, Jake bid farewell to the USS Serenity, leaving behind both the ship and the friendship that had once been so cherished. But in doing so, he knew he was making the best choice for Everly's well-being and their future.

And so, Jake and Everly embarked on their new adventure, leaving behind the tumultuous past and embracing the unknown. As they set foot on the grounds of the XO Academy on Planet Rosa, they were filled with a renewed sense of hope and excitement for what lay ahead. Together, they would write their own story, one filled with new friends, valuable experiences, and the promise of a brighter future.

XO Academy: Planet Rosa

Jake, a dedicated Starfleet officer, found himself at a pivotal moment in his career. Determined to further his skills and knowledge, he made the decision to attend the prestigious Starfleet XO Academy. However, this meant leaving his eight-year-old daughter, Everly, during his time at the academy, with a nanny.

To ensure a smooth transition for both of them, Jake rented a cozy home near the academy grounds. He wanted Everly to feel safe and comfortable in their new surroundings. With a warm smile, he assured her that they would make the most of their time together whenever he wasn't studying or attending classes.

While at the academy, Jake met Laura, who had two children of her own. They started talking about juggling the academy as a single parent. Though Laura’s children were 14 and 2 and Everly was nine they shared stories and soon bonded.

Jake could tell Laura was struggling, especially with a toddler and he did what he could to encourage her to keep going, knowing she would regret it if he didn’t. Sometimes, he would invite them over and help her out so she had study time.

The truth was, Jake was starting to have feelings for Laura. He didn’t know if it would go anywhere but he knew that if there was something there strong enough it would be there once they were assigned as first officers.

It helped that the children all seemed to get along. Everly looked up to Laura’s oldest and she lived playing with her toddler. Jake hoped there was a way to keep in touch after the academy because their children had become friends.

One of Everly’s favorite activities became horseback riding. Jake discovered a nearby stable that offered riding lessons, and he quickly signed them both up.

Everly's eyes lit up with excitement as she sat atop her gentle steed, feeling the thrill of a new adventure. Together, they explored the picturesque countryside, bonding over their shared love for horses and the great outdoors.

On sunny afternoons, they would head to the local swimming pool. Everly's laughter echoed through the air as she perfected her swimming strokes, with Jake proudly cheering her on from the sidelines.

Whether they were splashing in the water or basking in the warmth of the sun, these moments created cherished memories that would last a lifetime.

In between their adventures, Jake made sure to carve out dedicated study time.

Everly would sit beside him, working on her own projects or reading books, while he delved into the complexities of starship operations and leadership strategies.

Jake wanted Everly to witness his dedication firsthand, showing her the importance of pursuing one's dreams and constantly striving for improvement.

As the months passed, Jake's hard work and determination paid off. He excelled in his studies, earning the respect and admiration of his instructors and peers.

But most importantly, he was proud to be setting an example for Everly, demonstrating the value of education and personal growth.

The time eventually came for Jake to complete his training at the XO Academy. With a mix of bittersweet emotions, he prepared to return to active duty, armed with a wealth of knowledge and new perspectives.

Everly, too, had grown during their time together, developing a sense of independence and resilience.

Though their time at the academy had come to an end, their father/daughter bond remained unbreakable.

They had shared countless adventures and experiences that had strengthened their relationship.

As they bid farewell to their rented home and the memories it held, Jake and Everly carried with them a newfound sense of possibility and a shared determination to face the future head-on.

With hearts full of love and gratitude, Jake and Everly set off together, ready to embrace the next chapter of their lives. As they boarded the starship that would take them back to the stars, they knew that their journey would be filled with even more extraordinary moments, waiting to be discovered. And with their unbreakable bond and unwavering spirit, there was nothing they couldn't conquer together.

USS Tianjin: 2405 - Present

After a year at XO Academy, Jake graduated with flying colors. As he received his assignment, he couldn't help but feel a whirlwind of emotions—surprise, honor, and a tinge of nervous excitement. He learned that he was going to be serving on the USS Tianjin, a renowned starship, under the command of none other than Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez.

However, what truly took Jake by surprise was the realization that Vice Admiral Martinez had specifically requested him to be his first officer. The news left him both elated and curious. Why had he been chosen? What qualities had caught the attention of such a respected figure in Starfleet? With a mix of determination and anticipation, Jake was ready to embark on this new chapter of his career, eager to prove himself worthy of the trust placed in him by Vice Admiral Martinez.

Jake knew this was the best move for him and Everly. He was excited to serve there and watch her grow up. A part of him would always love Celine but he was ready to live again and to take a chance on love if the cards played right.
Service Record 2405 - Present
USS Tianjin
First Officer - Lieutenant Commander

XO Academy
Planet Rosa

2401 -2404
USS Serenity
Chief Engineer/2nd Officer

2398 - 2401
USS Elysium
Chief Engineer

2395 - 2498
USS Centauri
Assistant Chief Lieutenant

2492 - 2395
USS Horizon
Engineer - Lieutenant JG

2390 - 2392
USS Titan
Engineer - Ensign