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06/07/2023 @ 7:24pm

Lieutenant JG Pattrick Larsen

Name Pattrick Noah Larsen

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andrélian
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 6’3 Feet
Weight 185 Pounds
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Turquoise Blue
Physical Description Patrick Larsen is a striking Andréliane, standing at an average height for his species, which is slightly taller than the average human. His appearance reflects his active and adventurous lifestyle:

Skin tone: Patrick Larsen possesses skin that closely resembles human Caucasian skin in color and texture. His complexion is fair, with a touch of warmth, and he exhibits a healthy, natural tone. The texture of his skin is smooth, much like that of a human's, which sets him apart from the typical Andréliane appearance. This unique feature makes Patrick Larsen's appearance more relatable to humans and other humanoid species.

Facial Features: He has a strong, chiseled jawline, a characteristic feature of his species. His bright, expressive eyes are a shade of amber, reflecting his determination and curiosity.

Toned Physique: Patrick Larsen possesses a well-toned and muscular physique, a result of his love for adventure sports and extreme activities. His body is designed for endurance and physical performance.

Tattoos and Scars: On his left forearm, Patrick Larsen bears a series of tribal tattoos that tell the story of his community and his personal journey. He also has a few scars on his body, reminders of past adventures and close calls.

Andréliane Crest: Like many Andrélian, he has a unique crest of spiky, hair-like appendages that extend from the top of his head down to the nape of his neck. These crests come in various shades of green, often darker than his skin, and serve both protective and sensory functions.

Outfit: Patrick Larsen typically wears practical and functional attire suitable for his adventurous lifestyle. This includes durable and moisture-wicking clothing, often adorned with pockets and straps for carrying equipment. He prefers earthy tones that blend with his natural surroundings.

Patrick Larsen's physical appearance reflects his love for nature and adventure, and his well-maintained physique speaks to his commitment to staying in peak condition for the risks he enjoys taking.


Spouse Dating: Caterina Rizzo (S)
Children N/A
Father Arnold Larsen
Mother Faith Larsen
Brother(s) Cesar Larsen
Bryan Larsen
Sister(s) Gloria Larsen
Other Family Non listed

Personality & Traits

General Overview Patrick Larsen is renowned for his love of adrenaline-pumping activities. He's a true thrill-seeker, passionately embracing white water rafting, kayaking, quads, four-wheel drive vehicles, orbital skydiving, and an array of adventure sports.

He's also a social butterfly, enjoying dancing at clubs, playing sports, and partaking in various forms of recreation.

Despite his outgoing and friendly demeanor, Patrick. Larsen keeps most people at arm's length, as he's had a hard time trusting others, a trait that has been a part of his character for as long as he can remember.

Strengths & Weaknesses Confident Exterior: Patrick Larsen maintains a confident and outgoing exterior. He often appears cheerful, sociable, and fearless when taking part in high-risk activities. This persona is designed to reassure others of his strength and reliability.

Adventure-Seeker: He actively seeks out adrenaline-pumping adventures and is always willing to take on new challenges. This behavior is not just a passion but also a way to prove his courage to others and himself.

Self-Reliance: He tends to rely on his own abilities and rarely asks for help or support, as he doesn't want to appear weak or vulnerable in front of others. He wants to be seen as self-sufficient and capable.

Guarded Emotions: Patrick Larsen keeps his true feelings and doubts hidden. He doesn't easily open up about his past or the trust issues he's grappling with. Instead, he prefers to focus on the present and the excitement of the moment.

Leadership: In group situations, he often takes on a leadership role. He wants to be in control and demonstrate that he can protect and guide those around him.

Eager to Prove Himself: He seizes every opportunity to showcase his bravery and resourcefulness, often going to great lengths to demonstrate his worth. This drive is fueled by his need to prove that he is dependable despite his past trauma.

Patrick Larsen's compensating persona is a defense mechanism he's developed to hide his vulnerability and earn the trust of others. He strives to be the strong, dependable figure he wishes he could have been during the traumatic event with Eliana, even though he carries the weight of that experience with him.

Trust Issues:

Patrick Larsen's trust issues trace back to a significant event in his past. During his formative years, he trusted someone he considered a close friend, only to be deeply betrayed in a way that had severe consequences for both him and his community. This betrayal resulted in the loss of vital resources and even led to a divide within his tribe.

Patrick Larsen was once part of a secretive exploration mission on his home planet. The mission aimed to discover new territories and establish peaceful relations with neighboring tribes. During the mission, Patrick Larsen formed a deep bond with a fellow explorer named Eliana, whom he considered his closest friend.

However, when they encountered a potentially hostile tribe, Eliana unexpectedly betrayed their group to the other tribe, leading to a violent confrontation. This betrayal resulted in the loss of several lives and the capture of Patrick Larsen, who was held captive and subjected to harsh treatment. Though he eventually escaped and returned to his community, the emotional scars from the betrayal and the trauma of his captivity have left him with a profound fear of trusting others. This experience shattered his faith in the reliability of those he considered friends, and he's been cautious ever since.

The Need to Prove Himself:

In the wake of this traumatic experience, Patrick Larsen carries a profound sense of responsibility to prove himself. He believes he must demonstrate that he can protect his community and compensate for the trust that was shattered. This drive to prove himself manifests as his affinity for taking risks and constantly seeking new challenges to showcase his courage and resourcefulness.

As Patrick Larsen embarks on adventures within the Star Trek universe, his love for risk and his internal struggle with trust and the need to prove himself can create a rich and complex character with plenty of room for development and compelling storylines.

Reason for Feeling the Need to Prove Himself: After the traumatic betrayal and capture he experienced during the exploration mission, Patrick Larsen returned to his community with a heavy burden of guilt and shame. He blamed himself for not recognizing the signs of Eliana's betrayal and for failing to protect his fellow explorers.

This overwhelming sense of responsibility and guilt drives Patrick Larsen to constantly seek opportunities to prove his worth and courage. He believes that by continuously pushing the limits, taking risks, and demonstrating his resourcefulness, he can make amends for the past and ensure that he will never be caught off guard again. Patrick Larsen's need to prove himself is not only about earning the trust of others but also about seeking redemption for what he sees as his own failure. This internal drive fuels his passion for high-risk activities and adventure, as he's determined to show that he can protect his community and be the guardian they need.

Ambitions Exploration and Discovery: Patrick Larsen aspires to explore uncharted territories and discover new worlds. He's driven by the desire to push the boundaries of knowledge and bring back valuable insights and resources to his people.

Community Leadership: He dreams of becoming a respected leader within his community, someone others can look up to and depend on. His ambition is to protect and unite his people, fostering a sense of security that he felt he couldn't provide during the betrayal by Eliana.

Redemption and Trust: His ultimate goal is to redeem himself in the eyes of his community and regain their trust. He believes that by proving his worth and courage through daring actions, he can make amends for his perceived failure.

Personal Growth: Patrick Larsen also seeks personal growth and self-discovery. He wishes to evolve beyond his past trauma and vulnerability, learning to trust others again while still maintaining his independence and self-reliance.

Recognition Beyond His Species: He aspires to be recognized and respected not just within the Andréliane culture but also among other species and communities. He wants to be a symbol of bravery and resourcefulness that transcends boundaries.

Hobbies & Interests Extreme Sports: Patrick Larsen has a deep passion for extreme sports and adventure activities. He often engages in white-water rafting, kayaking, and orbital skydiving during his free time.

Off-Roading: He enjoys off-roading in quads and four-wheel-drive vehicles, exploring challenging and rugged terrains on his home planet or on other worlds.

Exploration: In his spare time, he embarks on personal exploration missions, hiking into uncharted areas, and documenting his findings, particularly if there's a chance of discovering valuable resources.

Dancing: Patrick Larsen loves to dance at clubs and social gatherings, relishing the lively atmosphere and the chance to let loose.

Sports and Recreation: He participates in various sports and recreational activities, enjoying the camaraderie and competition they offer.

Studying Alien Cultures: Patrick Larsen is fascinated by other species and their cultures. He often reads and studies about different alien civilizations and histories to broaden his knowledge.

Mechanical Engineering: He has a keen interest in the maintenance and modification of vehicles and equipment used in his adventures. This hobby helps him stay self-sufficient and resourceful.

Personal History The Early Days

Patrick Noah Larsen, commonly known as "Patrick Larsen," was born into the vibrant and adventurous Andréliane culture on his home planet. Growing up, he was surrounded by a close-knit community that thrived on courage and the pursuit of thrilling experiences. However, from a young age, Patrick Larsen found himself drawn to high-risk activities that set him apart from the more conventional members of his species.

High School Days

Patrick Larsen grew up in the same community as Eliana and attended the same high school. He was drawn to Eliana's intelligence, charisma, and natural leadership abilities. They quickly became close friends, with Patrick considering her his closest confidante. Unbeknownst to Patrick, he harbored a secret crush on Eliana.

Throughout high school, Patrick admired Eliana's academic prowess. She consistently excelled in her studies and was recognized as one of the top students in their class. Patrick often sought her guidance and support, as he admired her intellectual abilities and saw her as a role model.

Eliana's leadership qualities extended beyond the classroom. She actively participated in various student organizations and held leadership positions in clubs and student government. Patrick was inspired by her ability to motivate others and make a positive impact on the school community.

Their friendship was built on trust and a shared sense of purpose. They bonded over their mutual interests in exploration, adventure, and their desire to make a difference in their community. Patrick felt a deep connection with Eliana, unaware of her hidden intentions.

However, their friendship took a devastating turn during an exploration mission. It was during this mission that Eliana unexpectedly betrayed their group, leading to a violent confrontation and Patrick's capture. This shocking act shattered Patrick's trust in Eliana and left him emotionally scarred. He struggled to comprehend how someone he trusted and cared for could betray him in such a profound way.

Academy Years

From June 2397 through August 2401, Patrick carried the emotional baggage of his past betrayal, which affected his approach to relationships and his overall demeanor. As a freshman, he tried to bury the pain by putting up a facade of being the life of the party. This led to a reputation as a partygoer and a lack of serious romantic relationships.

As he entered his sophomore year, Patrick's routine of partying and keeping people at arm's length continued. However, his path took a turn when he met Carrie Doyle, who shared his party lifestyle. They entered into a superficial relationship that lacked depth and commitment. Although they remained faithful to each other, it became evident that their connection was going nowhere.

Towards the end of their two-year relationship, Carrie confronted Patrick, giving him an ultimatum to commit to a serious relationship or end things. Still haunted by his past betrayal and struggling to trust, Patrick chose to continue the relationship but was hesitant to engage in a long-distance commitment due to their impending separation across the universe.

Patrick's experiences during his time at Starfleet Academy were marked by a sense of emotional guardedness and a fear of trusting others. His focus on fleeting connections and avoidance of deeper relationships reflected his inner turmoil and the impact of his past betrayal. As he navigated through Starfleet Academy, he carried the weight of his past, constantly seeking redemption and growth while also grappling with his own vulnerability and trust issues.

USS Explorer

Upon joining the USS Explorer, Patrick Larsen found himself in a position he felt unworthy of: assistant chief science officer. Given his past mistakes and struggles with commitment and relationships, he questioned his ability to lead others when he couldn't even control his own life. However, he saw this opportunity as a chance to prove himself and make amends.

For the next four years, Patrick dedicated himself to his career, determined to demonstrate that he deserved the position entrusted to him by Starfleet. While he occasionally dated, these relationships didn't progress far as his reluctance to open up and trust others hindered their development.

During this time, Patrick had a brief romantic fling with Amira Denali. However, he couldn't find that special feeling he had heard so much about when it came to love. Despite Amira's desire for commitment, Patrick wasn't ready and let her go.

In December of 2404, Patrick received an invitation from Vice Admiral Domingo Martinez to join Utopia Station as Chief Science Officer. Martinez believed that this special assignment would help Patrick find the missing piece he desperately sought in his life. Although Patrick was initially skeptical about how much Martinez knew about him or why he thought this opportunity would be a good fit, he couldn't deny the feeling of potential fulfillment that came with joining the Fleet Yards.

Patrick embarked on this new chapter, hoping that this special group and the position at Utopia Station would bring him closer to finding the answers he longed for. With a mix of trepidation and anticipation, he embraced the opportunity, ready to discover the missing piece that had eluded him for so long.

Utopia Station

Patrick Larsen, a seasoned starship engineer and officer, had spent years in various assignments across the galaxy. His last posting felt stagnant, and he yearned for a fresh start. The promise of Valhalla Fleet Yards, as conveyed by Admiral Martinez, offered him the prospect of defining his career anew.

Patrick had earned a reputation for his technical prowess and problem-solving skills. His dedication to duty and a natural curiosity made him an asset in the engineering divisions of starships. Despite his accomplishments, he felt a sense of restlessness, a desire for something more fulfilling.

Admiral Martinez's words struck a chord with Patrick. He saw the transfer as an opportunity to break free from the monotony of his previous assignment. Eager to embrace change and challenge himself, Patrick took the leap of faith, hoping that Valhalla Fleet Yards would be the place where he could truly make a difference.

As someone accustomed to the dynamic life aboard starships, Patrick initially expected the starbase to be mundane and routine. He envisioned a slower pace that would allow him to focus on his personal growth and career development. Little did he know that his assumptions would be challenged by the unexpected twists of fate.

The turning point in Patrick's journey came when he crossed paths with Caterina Rizzo, a vibrant and intelligent officer on the starbase. Their meeting was serendipitous, as they found themselves collaborating on a challenging engineering project. Caterina's passion for her work and her infectious enthusiasm for life intrigued Patrick, sparking a connection that went beyond professional collaboration.

Patrick's initial plan to focus solely on his career took a detour as he found himself drawn to Caterina. Their interactions went beyond the confines of duty, and a deep friendship developed. Patrick discovered that Valhalla Fleet Yards wasn't just a place for career development; it was where he found unexpected companionship and a new perspective on life.

As Patrick and Caterina faced the challenges of their professional lives, their bond grew stronger. Patrick found himself inspired not only by the excitement of their shared work but also by Caterina's unwavering support and encouragement. Together, they navigated the complexities of starbase life, forming a partnership that transcended the boundaries of duty.

Patrick's journey at Valhalla Fleet Yards became more than just a career reset. It became a transformative experience that reshaped his priorities and outlook on life. Through his connection with Caterina, Patrick discovered that true fulfillment wasn't solely found in career achievements but also in the relationships and connections forged along the way.

In the end, Valhalla Fleet Yards became the catalyst for Patrick Larsen's personal and professional rebirth, with Caterina Rizzo playing a significant role in the unexpected, yet welcome, chapter of his life.

Service Record Coming Soon