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11/18/2023 @ 8:02am

Lieutenant Clarissa Robertson (Rockwell)

Name Clarissa Adaline Robertson (Rockwell)

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4
Weight 120 Ibs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Rissie stands at a height of 5 feet 4 inches (162.56 cm) and has a slender build, weighing approximately 120 pounds (54.43 kg). Her brown hair frames her face, adding to her warm and approachable demeanor. She carries herself with an energy that matches her vibrant personality.

A distinguishing feature of Rissie is the tattoo on her left ankle, which depicts a butterfly. This tattoo serves as a symbol of her free-spirited and adventurous nature, and it's a reflection of her love for beauty and creativity.

Rissie's physical appearance complements her dynamic personality, making her a memorable and engaging individual in any setting.


Spouse Married: Jayden Robertson (S)
Children Child: Harper Robertson (S)
Father Forest Ernest Rockwell
Mother Sarah Lee Johnson-Rockwell
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) NA
Other Family NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Enthusiastic and Energetic: Rissie is a bundle of energy, always brimming with enthusiasm for life and its adventures. Her vivacious spirit is infectious, and she approaches every situation with a high level of excitement.

Outgoing and Extroverted: She is outgoing and extroverted, thriving in social settings. Rissie enjoys meeting new people, making friends, and being the life of the party. Her sociable nature is a defining aspect of her personality.

Adventurous and Free-Spirited: Rissie has a deep-seated sense of adventure. She is open to trying new things, embracing challenges, and seeking out novel experiences. Her free-spirited nature drives her to explore life to its fullest.

Compassionate and Kind-hearted: Beneath her exuberance lies a compassionate and kind heart. Rissie genuinely cares for others, forming deep connections and friendships based on empathy and understanding.

Passionate about Engineering: Rissie's true passion is engineering, particularly starship engines and designs. She is dedicated to mastering her craft and making a meaningful contribution to Starfleet through her innovative ideas and projects.

Leadership and Event Planning Skills: Her love for being the center of attention extends to leadership roles and event planning. Rissie has the skills to coordinate and lead group activities, making her an effective event organizer.

Adaptive and Resilient: Rissie is adaptable and resilient, capable of adjusting to new environments and challenges. Her ability to bounce back from setbacks and continue pursuing her ambitions is a testament to her strength.

Open-Minded and Inclusive: She is open-minded and inclusive, appreciating diverse perspectives and backgrounds. Rissie welcomes people from all walks of life into her social circle and values the richness of different cultures and ideas.

Loyal Friend and Mentor: Rissie is a loyal and supportive friend. She forms deep bonds with those she cares about and is willing to go to great lengths to maintain these friendships. She may also mentor and support others, especially in her field of expertise.

Driven by Ambition: Her ambitions in the field of engineering and Starfleet drive her to achieve her goals and make a lasting impact on the organization. She is determined and hardworking in her pursuit of excellence.

In summary, Rissie is a dynamic and multifaceted individual whose magnetic personality attracts people from all backgrounds. Her zest for life, commitment to engineering, and the importance she places on her social connections make her a unique and inspiring character.

Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Enthusiastic and Energetic: Rissie's boundless enthusiasm and high energy levels make her a source of positivity and motivation in any situation. Her zest for life inspires those around her.

Outgoing and Sociable: Her outgoing and sociable nature allows her to build connections and friendships easily. Rissie's ability to engage with people from diverse backgrounds is one of her greatest strengths.

Adventurous and Open-Minded: Rissie's adventurous spirit and open-mindedness enable her to embrace new experiences and cultures. She is not afraid to step outside her comfort zone and explore the unknown.

Passionate about Engineering: Her genuine passion for engineering, especially starship engines and designs, drives her to excel in her field. She is dedicated to her craft and strives for continuous improvement.

Leadership and Event Planning Skills: Rissie's talent for leadership and event planning allows her to coordinate and lead group activities effectively, making her a natural organizer in social settings.

Compassionate and Loyal: Her compassionate and kind-hearted nature fosters deep and meaningful connections with friends. She is fiercely loyal to those she cares about and is always there when they need support.

Resilient and Adaptive: Rissie's resilience and adaptability enable her to navigate challenges and setbacks with determination. She can bounce back from adversity and continue pursuing her ambitions.


Overzealous at Times: Rissie's exuberance can occasionally be overwhelming, especially in more formal or disciplined environments. Her enthusiasm might not always be well-received by everyone.

Struggles with Humility: She may find it challenging to balance her free-spirited personality with the humility and discipline required in certain settings, such as Starfleet Academy.

Easily Distracted: Rissie's love for socializing and new experiences can sometimes lead to distraction from her more focused goals, such as her engineering projects.

Impulsiveness: Her adventurous nature can make her impulsive at times, leading to decisions made on a whim rather than careful consideration.

Difficulty with Strict Authority: Rissie might struggle with strictly authoritative figures who expect conformity and may clash with traditional military or rigid command structures.

Takes Rejection to Heart: When faced with disappointment or rejection, such as her class ranking at Starfleet Academy, Rissie can take it to heart and find it demotivating, despite her high GPA.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance: Balancing her demanding engineering work and her active social life can be a challenge. Rissie may sometimes prioritize one over the other to the detriment of the other aspect of her life.

In summary, Rissie's strengths and weaknesses make her a well-rounded and complex character. Her enthusiasm, social skills, and passion for engineering are her major assets, but she may need to work on areas such as humility, self-discipline, and prioritization to achieve her goals more effectively.

Ambitions Create her Own Runabout: Rissie's foremost ambition is to design and build her own runabout. This project represents her commitment to engineering and innovation, and she aims to develop a unique and highly functional runabout that can serve as a worthy addition to Starfleet's fleet.

Contribute to Starfleet Technology: Beyond her personal project, Rissie aspires to contribute to Starfleet's technological advancements. She may seek opportunities to collaborate on research and development projects, focusing on starship engines, propulsion systems, or other engineering challenges.

Become a Respected Engineer: Rissie likely aspires to establish herself as a respected engineer within Starfleet. She aims to be recognized for her innovative thinking, problem-solving skills, and her ability to improve upon existing designs.

Leadership in Engineering: With her extroverted and leadership-oriented personality, Rissie may aspire to hold leadership positions within Starfleet's engineering divisions. This could include roles such as Chief Engineer on a starship or overseeing important engineering projects.

Foster Collaborative Innovation: Rissie may wish to create an environment that fosters collaborative innovation within Starfleet's engineering community. Her ambition could involve encouraging teamwork, mentorship, and the sharing of ideas to drive progress in technology and design.

Maintain a Social and Active Lifestyle: Rissie's love for partying and socializing may continue to be an integral part of her ambitions. She could aim to balance her professional goals with a fulfilling social life, maintaining a sense of adventure and excitement.

Inspire Others: Rissie may aspire to inspire other aspiring engineers, especially those who may face challenges or setbacks in their pursuit of a career in Starfleet. Her personal journey and achievements can serve as a source of inspiration for the next generation of engineers.

Friendship and Camaraderie: Although not a traditional ambition, Rissie's deep connection with friends, like Lori and Elloma, may be a significant part of her life goals. She may aspire to maintain and nurture these important relationships and prioritize the bonds she has formed.

In summary, Rissie's ambitions are a blend of personal and professional goals. Her primary focus is on engineering and technological innovation, with the aim of contributing to Starfleet's mission of exploration and diplomacy. At the same time, she values her social life and friendships, which play an essential role in her overall sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Hobbies & Interests Partying and Socializing: Rissie's love for partying and socializing is evident in her frequent visits to nightclubs on starships or planets when her schedule allows. She enjoys the vibrant atmosphere, dancing, and being surrounded by people. Her extroverted nature thrives in social settings.

Camping and Group Activities: Rissie's desire to be the center of attention extends to her love for group activities like camping. She likely enjoys organizing camping trips with a large group, relishing in the role of event coordinator and making sure everyone has a great time.

Engineering and Starship Engines: Rissie's interest in starship engine designs reflects her passion for engineering. She may spend time studying and analyzing the intricacies of starship engines, understanding their designs, and perhaps even discussing engineering concepts with like-minded peers.

Designing and Building Runabouts: Rissie's true passion lies in creating her own runabout, a goal that aligns with her desire to make a worthy contribution to Starfleet. She might spend hours designing and planning her dream runabout, exploring different concepts and configurations.

Analyzing and Improving Designs: To achieve her goal of creating a unique runabout, Rissie is likely to pay close attention to any flaws in previous designs. She might enjoy analyzing existing schematics and engine designs, seeking opportunities for improvement and innovation.

Creative Problem-Solving: Rissie's fascination with engineering and design might extend to creative problem-solving. She could enjoy tackling complex engineering challenges, brainstorming solutions, and putting her ideas into action.

DIY Projects: Given her ambition to create her own runabout, Rissie might be drawn to do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, where she can work on hands-on tasks related to engineering, crafting, or building.

Leadership and Event Planning: Rissie's enjoyment of being the center of attention suggests that she might have an interest in leadership roles and event planning. She could thrive as an event organizer, taking charge of social gatherings, camping trips, or other group activities.

Mentoring and Collaboration: Rissie's passion for engineering and runabout design could lead her to collaborate with fellow students or colleagues on shared projects. She might also enjoy mentoring others who share her interests.

Overall, Rissie's hobbies and interests reflect her dynamic personality, her desire for adventure and social interaction, and her deep commitment to her engineering aspirations within Starfleet.

Personal History Full Biography of Personal History

Missions on USS Pioneer
1. She's Growing Up
2. Vacation Now, seriously?
3. What do you think they are doing?
4. Loved And Lovelorn
5. First Morning
6. New Plans for Dinner
7. When I am with you
8. Really Green?
9. Party Time
10. Intelligent Vows
11. Engineering Luncheon
12. A short pause
13. Finding the issue
14. No easy way out, you're having a party!
15. The Saloon
16. Can't be lazy forever
17. Five Days In
18. A New Face
19. Romance on the Starship
20. Romance on the Starship, Part 2: New Beginnings
21. What couples talk about
22. Romantic Getaway
23. Love Among the Stars: A Journey to Parenthood
24. The Unveiling Truth
25. Romantic Getaway

Missions on USS Exeter
26. A Reunion of Families
27. A Surprise Reunion
28. Enteral Flame of love
29. The Ancient Artifact
30. The Celestial Puzzle
31. The Enigmatic Nebula
32. The Lost Colony
33. The Stellar Phenomenon
34. Lasting Legacy

Missions on USS Athena
35. Rise of The Athena: Our new Home, Part 1
36. Rise of The Athena: Our new Home, Part 2
37. Rise of The Athena: The First Round
38. Rise of The Athena: The First Mission
39. Family Reunion
40. Athena Ascending: The choices we make

Service Record 2405-present
USS Athena, Chief Engineer

USS Exeter, Assistant Chief Engineer

2400-2402 USS Pioneer
USS Pioneer, Engineer