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09/09/2021 @ 9:25am

Lt. Commander Rachel Malbrooke

Name Rachel Fran Malbrooke

Rank Lt. Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 207 lbs
Hair Color Light Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Rachel is about average height and little on the heavy side. She usually has a broad smile on her face and a twinkle in her green eyes. She has an hourglass figure that most would describe as thick.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Barry Martin Malbrooke (Cattle Rancher/History Professor)
Mother Debra Lee Malbrooke Deceased (Admiral's Yeoman)
Brother(s) Captain Tyler Henry Malbrooke (CO USS Pioneer NCC-74757)
Sister(s) None

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rachel is a a bit of a joker. She enjoys making people laugh. However, when it is time for court she is all business. She prefers to use the law to better people, more than simply lock people away. Like all the Malbrookes Rachel is extremely charismatic and she uses this to get what she needs in court. She prefers morality over staying strict with rules. Rachel is a compassionate woman, oftentimes not imposing punishment if it is needed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Keen intellect,
Razor sharp wit,
Exceptionally Patient,
A good listener and capable of giving great advice.

Leans heavy on the law
Tends to not look at the big picture
Overriding need to be proven wrong
Ambitions To become the Judge Advocate General of Starfleet. But first she would like to make a difference in the court rooms. Change the way the law is perceived.
Hobbies & Interests Rachel enjoys writing in her spare time. She also enjoys trying to change the verdicts of major cases on the holodeck.